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Ben's POV
I slowly open my eyes and feel the street on my side and face.

"Rey?" I groan out.

I feel someone grab me. "Stay down, paramedics are-". The voice fades to non-existence.

"Rey." I smile as she crosses the cloud patch to me.

"I love you, you know." She wraps her arms around my neck.

"I know and I won't ever forget that." I smile and kiss her soft lips.

She pulls away and begins to dissolve in front of me. "Rey, where are you going?" I ask. "Rey. Rey!" I yell after her.

The cloud beneath me vanishes in thin air and I begin to fall.

I jump awake and I'm meant with a blinding light.

"He's awake!" A familiar female voice shouts. "Ben." The woman grabs my arm. "Ben can you hear me?"

"Hey pal, how are you?" I hear a male voice join in.

My eyes against and I recognize Gwen and Hux.

"What happened?" I raise a hand to my pounding head. "What is on my hand?"

"It's a heart rate monitor. You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?"

"That's why I'm asking you." I pull my hand away from my head and see small bits of red on it. "Is my head bleeding?"

"Umm yeah. You hit your head on the street." Gwen informs me.

"What?" I place the hand back and pull it away again.

"You hit your-"

"I heard what you said." I examine my hand carefully, looking at the small lines of red going into my palm creases.

"Do you remember how you hit your head?" Gwen asks rather cautiously.

"No." I put my hand down and look around the room. I see my mother sleeping in a chair. "Where's Rey?"

"That's the thing." Hux starts. "Rey is ummm."

"Where's Rey?" I ask again more sternly.

"She's in the Intensive Care Unit." Gwen whispers.

My lip begins to shake rapidly and my vision blurs.

I cry and brush they're comforting hands off. "No stop." I cry. "You're lying."

"Ben I wish I was." Gwen begins crying.

I wipe my face. "I need to get out of here." I yank the heart rate monitor off my finger and begin undoing the wires on my chest. "I need out!" I shout waking my mom.

A nurse rushes in. "Ben calm down you're alright."

"I need to see Rey!" I shout at her.

"Ben you can't right now. We need you to lay down."

"No." I yank another cord from me. A feel a jab in my arm. "Hey, what was-"

Everything goes black.

Gwen's POV
Ben falls back on to the bed. The male nurse you injected him casually walks out.

The other nurse begins redoing his cords, sticky padding them to his chest.

When she finishes, she walks over to a draw and takes out some long fabric like material.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Restraints." She walks back over and begins tying them to his wrists. "So he can't do that again."

"When can he go see Rey?" I ask.

"Most likely when he gets out of here."

"Which will be when?" Ben's mom steps in.

"Well now that he's awake we just need to make sure he is stable, then he can go."

"Doesn't he look stable enough?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"Couldn't you say cancer patients look well enough as well." The nurse mouths off.

"You bitch." I raise my hand to slap her and Hux grabs me.

"Let's go see if we can visit Rey."

I move my arm from him. "Fine." I walk out past the nurse.

We approach the Intensive Care Unit. I see a button next to the double doors. I hit the button and the speakers come alive. "Hi how can I help?"

"I'm here to see Rey Kenobi."

"Sorry we can not grant you access at this time."

"Why not?"

"She is not permitted visitors."

"And why's that?" I yell.

"Okay thank you for your time." Hux tells the speaker.

"What the hell." I say. Hux wraps his arms around me.

"Shhhh." He coos me.

I hug him back and that's when my feelings begin pouring out of me. "I just want them to be okay." I cry out and drop to the floor in his arms still.

"I know." He brushes my back.

"They need to be okay." I cry out. "They need to get married and have cute babies and grow old together." I sob.

Ben's POV
I wake again, in the same room as before. "Mom?" I call out.

"Ben I'm here." She comes over. "So is Chewie."

I feel her place him on the bed and he crawls up and licks my face. My smile and try to lift my hand.

"Why am I tied down?"

"So you can't try to run off again." She says casually and gets Chewie off of me.

"Since when are dogs allowed in the hospital?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Well if security isn't going to check my purse, how can you expect them to enforce the rules?"

I smile and shake my head.

"So when can I get out of here?"

"Soon, I promise. Let me get the nurse."

"What about Chewie?"

"What dog?" She smiles and leaves the room.

I look down at the floor and don't see him anywhere.

Oh they're good.

A/N: The next chapter will be the last! Thank you to everyone who has read this book and supported me :) I love you all ❤
Thank you for all the views, comments, and likes. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book and writing more for you all.
Until next time,
May the Force be with You.

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