Chapter 5: The Crippen family

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Rachel's POV

"- Rachel.

- Hey mom.

- How are you sweety?

- Confused.

- Confused can mean so many things at once. Explain.

- I don't know what I'm doing, mom! Like should I trust them or not?

- Of course you can, honey!

- How the fuck do you know?


- Sorry, sorry...

- You're in the Crippen family. They are nice people but have a lot of family problems.

- Like everybody else.

- True. Did you sleep well?

- Not really.

- Why not?

- I don't feel comfortable. Plus, I'm scared that Joe Brown's gonna come back to me for revenge.

- Rachel, you got to keep hope alive and pray.

- In my case, hope doesn't exist and God don't like me.


- It's the truth!

- God loves all of his Children!

- How could you be so sure?

- Because he told me.

- Mom, how does heaven look like?

- It's peaceful and wonderful.

- Um... okay?

- When it's your turn to pass the Gates, you'll understand.

- I hope it's soon. I'm tired of life.

- You shouldn't be talking like that. Live your "YOLO" life like ya'll youngsters call it.

- Okay if you say so.

- I know so.

- Mom?

- Yes?

- I love you.

- I love you too, Rachel. And always remember one thing.

- What is it?

- If my friend was a cup of honey, I wouldn't lick it all the way..."

I woke up with dripping sweat on my face. I had one of them chaotic dreams again. The sun was so bright and even to bright for my eyes to handle, in my opinion.

- Knock, knock.

Alexandra came in the room, throwing her school bag on the floor. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

- Slept well?

- Kind of.

Alexandra was tall and dark skinned. She had dark brown eyes and mid-long black hair with brown strands on the tips. Her body was curvy and well formed. Despite her beauty, it wasn't that that bothered me.

- Do you know what time it is?

She took out her iPhone from her back pocket and told me that it was 3:50 p.m.

- I slept all that time?! I said in shock.

- I guess... Aren't you hungry? Do you want me to bring you something?

- Starving, actually.

- Okay. I'll be right back!

She left the room and I just laid there on my own.

Craig's POV

Who the hell is my sister talking to? I figured that she couldn't be talking on her phone because the voice was too present. I saw her fly down the stairs and go in the kitchen.

- Alex!

- What?!

- Who the fuck are you talking to?

She froze. That's how I knew that she was hiding something from me.

- What do you mean?

- You know exactly what I mean, I said.

- Okay, fine! But don't tell mom or dad! They'll kill me. Literally. 

- It can't be that bad.

- Well, what if I told you that another member his gonna join the Crippen family?

- I don't understand.

- Okay, lemme explain. Yesterday night, when I came back home late, I was texting mom when something made me fall on the ground. I got up and saw that it was a body.

- A dead body?!

- That's what I thought until it started to move and stuff. I got so scared so I shouted and screamed at it.

- And then what?

- Well the body was crying and was praying for me to not call the police and shit or hurt her and I figured that maybe the body is really innocent so I decided to bring it back home.

That's the weirdest story I've ever heard. 

- Well, you do know that mom and dad are gonna end up finding out, right?

- Ya, I know. I just hope they're not gonna freak out. She's a really nice girl, by the way.

- Hol' up. She's a girl? I said now, excited.

- Yup! If you wanna talk to her, she's in my bedroom. I'm gonna go get her something to eat.

As soon as she was done talking, I flew up the stairs and went in Alexandra's room. I didn't knock, that's how excited I was...

Until I saw her face. 

She was combing her hair and humming a song, besides the mirror, like a freaking mermaid. She didn't realize that I was standing there but as soon as she turned around, she froze in complete shock. She blushed and smiled, shyly.

That smile... I'll see it everywhere!

- Hi, I'm Rachel. Rachel Owens. Your sister is the one that brought me here, if your wondering-

- I know the damn story.

Rachel immediately closed her mouth and placed her hands in between her thighs.

- It's a lovely place over here, she said with her smile.

I don't know why and how but it happened. I grew angry towards her. I didn't want her here, suddenly. I wanted her out and I wanted her to never come back. Never ever again.

- Listen, this ain't yo' fucking house! You're not a Crippen and you'll never be one. So quit your act 'cause you look like a mermaid with this shit! You better be looking for another damn house to stay in 'cause you're not welcomed HERE.

Her face grew pale. Ignoring her presence, I got out and slammed the door.

Shit just got real...


Damn, Craig. 

Why do you think he was that rude with Rachel?

How do you think Rachel feels like, right now?

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- Alexia <3

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