Chapter 6: Wrong place, wrong time

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Rachel's POV

It took me a week to know who they really were. Yes, just a week. Alexandra is very sweet with me and I'm thankful for that. Her parents accept me for who I am and are not too bothered with my presence. They even let me cook their meals sometimes because apparently, their parents don't cook very well. Anyways, I don't really care! Cooking is what I love to do and it's my passion. It's been a week that I'm back in school and guess what? Me and Alexandra go to the same school! Amazing, isn't it? We now spend all of our time together and she's starting to become like my older sister. Ma sista from anotha motha!

It's a really fun family except for Craig. He doesn't like me. Oh wait, he hates me. He can't even look at me for five seconds. I'm kind of sad because I do have feelings for him. Technically, it's okay because we're not siblings. We are not from the same mother, we do not share the same blood. I just find it weird 'cause we live (I'm planning on staying here) in the same house. I don't want Craig to ignore me anymore. I want him to love me, to fall for me, endlessly, so we can get married, make kid's-okay, I'm kidding, for that part! But you never know where love can take you.

Today, I'm gonna stop. I'm gonna stop being shy. I'll go to his room, my damn self, and ask him why he's so mean with me. 

- Hey, Alex, do you know where Craig is?

- I'm not quite sure but he usually hangs out at the park with some of his friends, blasting some music, she said.

 I giggled and blushed. I didn't mean to do that. It was kind of like a burst of emotion that I felt towards Craig just come out of nowhere. Alexandra looked at me bizarrely and then lit up a small smirk.

- You like him, don't you?

- Well, I mean...

- No need to lie, sis! You like him?

- Yeah, I do. But it's just a stupid crush! It'll go away.


- Shut up! I said laughing.

- Sorry, got carried away.

- It's cool. There's just one problem.

- What is it?

- I know this may sound surprising but Craig really doesn't like me. He can't even stay in the same room with me for more or less than ten minutes.

- It's that bad?

- It's that bad!

- Well, he's not always like this except if you did him wrong. Maybe you said something he didn't like.

- Oh com' on! I'll never do something like that to him. Since day one, Craig hated me for no fucking valuable reason. Like, I'm trying to figure out the shits that I've ever done wrong but nothing comes to my mind. 

- Yea... I know how you feel. My use to be boyfriend, Chresanto, broke up with me for no reason at all. I still don't know why. Why are boys so weird?

- That's a good question but unfortunately, it's a mystery. I'm presuming he was guilty from the start.

- Guilty? What do you mean? 

- Chresanto probably did something that he knew would have put the relationship at risk so he decided to brake up with you in advance so you won't find out.

- So suppose he did that, then he's a coward! That's so stupid! He could have told me!

- Boys are weird, aren't they're?

- And he's stupid, Alexandra mumbled.

- Hey, don't take my word. I might be wrong.

- I don't think so.

Ignoring what she said, I took off my slippers and put my shoes to go to the park. I'm gonna find Craig and tell him how I feel about him even if he doesn't approve my feelings.

- I'm going to the park now, Alex.

- Okay then. See ya later alligator.

- In a while crocodile.

When I reached the park, I had a bad nauseous  feeling in my stomach. I didn't feel well. I was pacing back and forth and couldn't stop looking at my watch. Like if this rendez-vous was planned. Where is he? I thought he was supposed to be at the park.

And that's when a black car appeared, out of the blue. It resembled Craig's parents car so I ran towards it, waving my arms to show them that I was there. A body came out but I couldn't recognize the face. It walked near me and grabbed my shoulders. I saw the park one last time and that's all I could recall from that day.


Well, damn.

That's all I could say...

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- Alexia <3

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