Chapter 16: Can we talk?

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Rachel's POV

I've just mailed another letter to Alexandra. It's the only way to keep in touch with her. What's scaring me is that she is trying to find me. Lord knows how she's gonna succeed in doing so. I went back in my room and I was greeted by Allisha and... Jaden, of course. He's getting on my last nerve, now.

- Hey, All, I said hugging her.

- Where my hug at?

We looked at him like if he was on drugs 'cause this nigga is absolutely RIDICULOUS. And childish.

- Child much but if you really want me to hug you then I will...

Jaden didn't waist no time with this hug. I gotta admit, feeling his muscles and his chest on me did not bother me a single bit but I felt dirty and wrong. Like, let's not forget that we are in a shelter.

- You can let go of me, Jay, I said laughing.

He didn't move. It's like if he didn't hear me. Like a little fucking kid.

- It's enough, Jaden! Allisha said.

He immediately pulled away and scratched his head.

- S-sorry, Rachel, he said.

- Nah it's okay!

He looked at me for a long while. Don't blush, don't blush. Fuck it, it ain't working.

- Awkward..., my roommate said.

- I-I gotta go now. Bye All, bye Jay, I said quickly.

I didn't wanna slam the door but it happened. I ran in the hallway and bumped into someone. I didn't bother look up at the person.

- Sorry, didn't see you there.

- There's no running in the hallway, Rachel.

His voice sounded familiar. I turned around and saw mister Owens, my so called father. IT'S-ABOUT-TO-GO-DOWN!

- Oh, hey Mister Owens. Or I should say, DAD!

His face turned into a light pink. He looked embarrassed and he just wanted to leave this place. That ain't gonna happen! It's time for him to spend some quality time with his daughter.

- So you know now. You know that I'm your dad.

- Can we talk?

- I think it would be nice.

We entered in the white room I was in, the first day of my arrival. It was silent for at least ten minutes. It's pretty understandable! Imagine being face to face with your dad that you haven't seen in like sixteen years! Where the hell do we start and what the hell do we say?!

- It's good to see you again, he said.

- Yeah, same here.

- After all these years. Gosh, you've grown! I remember you, so tiny with wide eyes and now, look at you! It's amazing what God does.

- Dad, please. Don't put God in this.

- Oh, so I see it's been a while that you haven't assist to a Church, eh? We use to go every Sunday.

- We?

- Oh yes, Rachel. Me, you and your mother. It was our uh... activity as a family.

When he said that a little tension grew in the air. I knew what he was thinking about and he knew what I was thinking about.

- Too bad she's dead.

- Yes... It's too bad indeed.

He covered his face with his large hands like if he was sleepy. I promised my mom that I was gonna figure out who killed  her and what this "game" was all about. He's my only link right now and I'm hopping he's gonna tell me something new.

- How'd she die exactly? A shooting, I believe?

- Rachel, let's talk about something else. Something more joyful, he said in a cold tone.

- Yes, yes, yes, we are! But first, I wanna know how she died.

He immediately went berserk on me. Why? Only time can tell... He stood up from his chair and started to yell at me. My first thought was if I've said something wrong but that didn't happen. I'm talking about my mom here!

- Rachel, I don't want to talk about this anymore!

- Why not? We just started. I just wanna know how she-


Are you foreal? It's not important? He's trying to say that the death of my own mother is not important for me? How could he?

- How could you? I've been abused for the last eight years of my life. Eight wasted years in the damn garbage. I escaped and ended up in a house with a girl that treated me like my sister but with a brother that treated me like shit. Literally. Just like Joe. So I told myself that if I'm not welcome somewhere then I should just pick up my bags and leave. And so I did. I ended up in the snow, freezing for a whole day! Until someone rescued me. Yes, your shelter saved my life. I've been through so much my whole life and you can't even answer my damn question.

- You don't have to know!


- OH! I don't have to know?! Haven't you realize that I'm the only member of our family? I'm the only one that's SUPPOSE TO KNOW!

- You won't understand! You weren't even born yet! She's dead and it's over now. Case closed.


- You think I won't understand, huh? That's because you think I'm a baby. I mean, I don't blame you 'cause that was the first and last time you've seen me. 'You were so tiny with wide eyes'. That's the only shit you remember from me! I can't believe it took me to freeze my ass off outside for yo' lazy ass to come and rescue me. For the past sixteen years, you didn't even bother call to know how I was doing. It's like if you didn't care. You know what? Fine! I'll figure it out by myself! I don't need your help. Thanks for nothing, dad.

I'm glad it didn't go to three strikes. This time, I meant it. I slammed the door in his face. I stumped my feet in the hallway and ran 'cause I knew that I wasn't allowed to do that. I opened my door, slammed it and cried my soul out.


Dayuuuuummmmmmm!!!!!!!!!! Rachel got some guts to talk like that to her father!!

Like, I wouldn't even try 2 go that far cause I know my ass would have been whipped with a broom or a stick. Lol xD, I'm joking for that part, tho.

Do yall think that her behavior was acceptable? Yes or no? Give me your POV! 

Hey, every time I hear the word behavior, I think of Mindless Behavior, now!

I really do not know why but that word makes me smile like this: :D

Ok, deucezzz

- Alexia

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