Chapter 12: Shelter

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Alexandra's POV

Wassup ma sista form anotha motha! B4 I start, let me just say this: HERR MA GWAD! I FUCKING MISS YOU! You're probably wondering where I am and stuff. Do not worry, I'm okay. It wasn't my decision to go back in that house. My "dad" found me alone in the park and with my stupid self, thinking that it was your parents car, I waved my arms at it and u know the rest. You know what? I'm tired of being abused. I cannot continue on this rode for the rest of my life. I found a shelter, well, it's more like the shelter found me. LOL! I'll probably be staying there so... yea. Thanks for always being there 4 me and I promise I won't forget you Alex. I hope Craig is happy now that I'm gone (LOL) I... I... lov... Forget it. I'll miss you...

Rachel Owens.

I read it about five times with watery eyes. Why Rachel? She left because of Craig's bullshit. She obviously doesn't want him to feel like she's a distraction to his life so she left. I might never see her again.

Rachel's POV

I was waiting in this white room for a lady to ask me some questions about my past. Apparently, that's what we do in this homeless shelter. It's suspicious but I accepted. The lady finally came and made a kind smile at me. I did the same.

- How long have you been abused?

- Eight years.

- Both parents?

- Uh no. Only my dad. My mom is uh... dead.


- How does he abuse you?

- Physically and uh once, he uh... rapped me.

She asked other random questions and stopped. She told me that a guy was going to show me my room and roommate. The lady left and I had to wait for another ten minutes.

Damn, bad service!

On the table, I was falling a sleep until I heard loud footsteps coming from the hallway. I instantly woke up and saw the man that was in the white room. To be polite, I smiled at him but he didn't even flinch.

- R-Rachel, I-is that you?





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