Chapter 11: Homeless and hopeless

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Alexandra's POV

A month later. I still didn't find Rachel Owens. I know somewhere in my heart she's not lost. She's not in danger and she's not dead. Dead...

My sister will never back down on me like that. No she won't. Rachel's a fighter and with all the up's and down's, she'll come back. She'll come back, I tell you!

But when?

And how?

I really don't know... It better be soon 'cause I'm loosing hope.

Craig's POV

- Good afternoon, class, my french teacher said.

Nobody responded. I don't blame them. Who's gonna participate on a Monday? Everyone is tired.

- Well, as you know, Christmas is coming up soon. It's this month, actually! she said smiling.

That lady tries waaaay to hard! She should just relax and act like a normal teacher.

- Since you guys are in the International Program, I want every each and one of you to donate a little something for someone that's in need or to a homeless shelter.

Homeless girl, Rachel, homeless shelter...

I can't take it anymore! My head's gonna explode! By the way, she went viral in this school. Everyone knows and is talking about Rachel. Every time I hear her name, that weird dream comes to me again. It sounded so real in all the ways possible.

"I just wanted you to accept me for who I am and you couldn't!"

Oh no, pay attention, Craig.

"We really don't look alike. We are all one of a kind. We may physically look alike but that's about it. At least her heart wasn't broken so many times..."

That's all I've been thinking of. That weird sentence. What the hell does it mean? 

"W-why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you, Craig?"

To think of it, I don't even know why I was so mean with her. I guess I couldn't stand the fact that someone else on this globe looks exactly like the person I swore to never see for the rest of my life.

"Not a reason, THAT'S NOT A FUCKING REASON!!!"

You're right, Alex. I'm sorry for what I did and said. I should have been more respectful with Rachel. That's what I'm gonna tell her.

"... you're not my brother anymore. That's not the Craig I know. At all."

I hope she's gonna accept my apologies. 

Rachel's POV

I made it. I escaped, once again, from the house of Hell. Hallelujah.

But there's some problems. Now I really don't know where to go. I don't think I'm going back to the Crippen house because Craig doesn't want me there. And I don't wanna cause any more problems. If you're not welcomed somewhere then you should just leave. I know Alexandra's looking for me, with the amount of flyers that she placed all around town. Yes, I am thankful for that but since I'm not coming back, I'm gonna have to leave her a letter. A letter that will reveal everything and tell her everything. I hope she won't be mad at me.

Ugh, why the fuck do I hope, Rachel? Does that even exist? With the life I got, should I even bother hope? What difference would it make? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I "hope" she's actually gonna take the time to read it.

The snow started drifting down the land and my feet were freezing. Joe never bought me boots so I had to wear the biggest pair of shoes with the biggest soul in other for me to continue walking. Especially to survive. And I just realized that Christmas is around the corner.


I'm in the middle of nowhere and I know now that no one is gonna find me. Not even Alexandra, my long, lost sister. Debating if I should stay or not, I decided to sit down on the corner of the sidewalk and just freeze there. Like if my life was ending. After all, I don't care if it did. Out of nowhere, I started to cry about everything that happened to me during my existence. But then I stopped 'cause I soon noticed that I was wasting my time.

I thought of my mom, instead. Oh, how I love the sound of her voice, when you come in my dreams! Speaking of which, mommy doesn't come anymore. Why though? I don't know and I'll probably never will.

"If your friend was some honey, I wouldn't lick it all the way.", that sentence my mom told me echoed in my thoughts. Now I understand what it means.

Do not take advantage of people 'cause you never know. I took advantage of Alexandra, the house and Craig. I came in their business when I wasn't suppose to and look at me now. I should of licked the honey and not eat it all the way. That's such a crazy metaphor. 

"Lord, get me out of this living hell, please!" For the first time in a long time, I prayed. Yes, I prayed to God and mom. I told them to give me the strength and faith for me to accomplish this long, hard journey. I told them to protect me and all my loved ones.


That's when it stopped snowing.


Sometimes, I feel like hope doesn't exist. I don't know why.

Sometimes, I feel like we are living in our nightmares. You know why? Cause everything that's good or that you want to happen are in yall dreams. Imma right or Imma right??????

Instead, the stuff that you don't want to happen, happens FOREAL! IN REAL LIFE.

Ok, I'm gonna stop........ just felt like saying it. Weird, I know..

Vote, comment and you know the last one!!

- Alexia <33

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