Chapter 30: Surprise!

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Rachel's POV

December 22nd. Three days before Christmas and five days before my birthday. I never really celebrated my birthday with friends and cake before. Joe wouldn't do anything for me but he would greed his ass by rapping me. That's pretty much it. My sweet sixteen was like that. I hope my dad didn't forget the day of my birth... Nah, he didn't forget. My dad came in, begging me to eat some food but I refused.

Alexandra called me but I did not pick up. Allisha came in, trying to cheer me up but it ain't working so far. Jaden, Adam and Zack tried to make jokes at me. It's not that they weren't funny, I just wasn't feeling the it. Ever since Joe got arrested, my mom hasn't came nor appeared to me.

Truth is, I'm terrified. What if Joe really comes back to me? What Imma gonna do? I can't sleep and I refuse to come out of this room. To distract myself, I decide to play Tetris on my phone but it ain't working either. I'm winning too fast. I opened the window for some fresh air and started to think of Craig. I wish he was here with me, I don't know why, though. I could stare at his face all day... literally.

Out of the blue, I heard knocking from my door. I wasn't gonna answer but if it was my dad, I better get my ass up and answer. I opened the door and no one was there. I looked to my left, to my right, up and down. That's when I saw a small package on the floor. I took it, firmly in my hands, and closed the door. It was written, "From: C.C Jr. To: Rachel Owens"

Who the hell is C.C Jr? Ignoring the initials, I tiered the package apart. It was... an odd gift yet enjoyable. There was a pan with a spatula and a book. I opened the book and a unknown paper fell from it. A letter, I suppose?

Dear Rachel,

First off, I hate writing letters. I prefer sending text messages and shit so yeah, bare with me. You probably know who this is and you ready to just rip this piece of paper and throw it in the trash but if you didn't, I appreciate that. Foreal, no joke! Hey, remember when we first met? I know you do and will never forget that nightmare. I acted like a jerk. No, that's not even the word. I acted like a freaking mitch. I know you love the show but hate the mitches. Everyone hates the mitches and we all know Kevin Hart is the biggest one of them all. Anyways, change of subject, since your feet landed in the house, I did not make you feel welcomed. Just because you look like somebody else. Stupid, isn't? There really wasn't much you can do to stop me but I wish you did. I wish you told me how much you hated the way I was and that I should have stopped that deranged behavior of mine but confidence is not strong on everyone. I know that, no matter how much I apologize to you, you'll never forgive me but I'm saying it again; I'm endlessly sorry, if it even makes sense! I don't know what else to say because I can't think straight when I think 'bout you, Rachel. Don't take it the wrong way. Remember when you made lasagna on that Friday? I told you I hated it but what I really meant was that it was delicious. What else I'm apologizing for? I don't know what else to say... I'm just sorry. And I-

I? I what? I can't believe he's apologizing again. I feel so bad for not accepting his apology. I almost cried during this letter but deep down, something was telling not to. I have to go see him. Somehow, I'm gonna meet him. I took the pan in my hands and another paper fell off of it.

Sorry to disturb you again. I gave you a spatula and a pan 'cause I know you like to cook so yea. I want people to know how good your food tastes. Okay, I'll leave you alone now.

- Craig Crippen Jr. 

Aw, that's sweet! Okay, I think I get the message. Should I wright him back? What am I gonna say to him? That I love his gift? Thank you? I miss you? I love you? I dunno!

Does he want to see me? Does he still hate me? Is this all a big joke?

Shit, it would be good to know something, for once!


Awwww, that was a sweet letter. 

Do you guys think he got the spatula and the pan from his own kitchen or he actually took the time to buy a new one??

I hope he bought a personal one for Rachel. I mean, it is the least he can do. In my opinion. 

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- Alexia<33

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