Chapter 7: Back to square one

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(Two weeks after Rachel's incident)

Alexandra's POV

- Two weeks! Two damn weeks! I said angrily.

Craig and I were in our living room. He's sitting on the couch, eating some popcorn, half asleep, and I'm wide awake, standing up, pacing back and forth. Like you probably know, Rachel's gone. I know she didn't do it on purpose, though. That's not my sister. She would never do that to me. There as to be a logical explanation for all this crap. I'm trying to discuss and reason with Craig about it but it seems like he doesn't give two fucks. It's really starting to piss me off. 

- Craig, if I had your attention, it would be very appreciated, I said clinching my teeth.

- What else can we do? She's gone.

- We have to find her! It's important! She's like my sister!

- But she isn't. So stop being stressed out about something that's not important.

Not important? How can he be so disrespectful?

- Craig, can I ask you something?

- Anything, he said.

- Why are you so mean with her? Why do you hate her so much? What did she ever do to you for you to not even be able to look at her? You better explain me this 'cause I don't get it.

Rachel's POV

I can't believe it. I thought I succeeded. I thought I was gonna start a new life. A new me. I knew it. I knew hope didn't exist. When I look outside, I don't see the giant tree with the faded river in the back. All I see is cars with happy families inside. I'm back. It's like when you're first place in a race and someone pushes you out of the lane and that same goddamn person ends up winning. Back to square one. Back to the house I was planning on never ever seeing again. I wonder what Craig is up to. Does he miss me? Hell no! He never wanted me there anyways. Sometimes he would be as mean as my "father". He gave out the same type of vibe towards me. 

You know, I'm so glad we don't share the same last name. It would have been a total shame for the human race. Damn, it's boring without Alexandra by my side. I miss her so much. She must be so mad or sad. I'm sure or at least, I hope she misses me too. I hope Craig is happy. He got what he wanted. I'm gone and I probably won't be coming back.


- Yes daddy? I said flipping my hair.

- Come lay beside me, he said.

Right now, I'm pretty much flirting with Joe. I don't really know why, though. A lot of my decisons and actions are not taking in consideration, nowadays. I do shit without knowing exactly why I'm doing it. I know what he wants and I guess when you live in a crazy house, you become crazy, ain't that right? I slowly walked to his bed and turned around to show him my ass.

- How good would you give it to me? he asked.

- I'll say about 50 bucks or more...

Joe grabbed my hair and I climbed on top of him. I can't believe I'm doing this. Having sex with my own father in the house of Hell.

Craig's POV

I knew she was gonna ask this. I just knew it.

- I don't know if-

- Tell me! I wanna know nooow, she said with an evil smirk.

- Okay, okay! But this might be complicated.

- Don't care. Just tell me.


Me and Raven were walking to school together. It was a nice day and I wanted to spend the most time with her. I love that girl so much and I swear, I'll do anything for her. Raven was average height, had wide eyes, light skin and long brown hair. In other words, she was a goddess.

- Craig?

Just the sound of her voice made my heart melt.

- Yes Raven?

- We gotta go shopping after class! I saw these cute sneaker wedges and I want to be the first one to purchase 'em.

I was kind of tired and I didn't feel like going anywhere today.

- Sorry, Raven. Not today, I'm tired.

She stopped walking and faced me. I immediately felt bad to say no to someone like her. Raven's to special, I cannot refuse.

- Pleaaseeee! Do it for me, your Mrs. Right.

She made a pretending sad face. I couldn't resist so I said yes and pecked her on the lips. When we reached school, I told her to wait on me because I had to use the bathroom. I was a little more nervous than usual. In my pocket, I had a lucky charm with our initials on it. Since it was at school that we had first met, I wanted to give it to her here.

As soon as I came out, Raven wasn't there. The high school may be big but I would recognize her beautiful face anywhere. I found Raven, leaned on a locker, making out with... Chresanto?


I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. Why'd they do this to me? Chresanto was my homeboy, ma nigga! I knew him since we was in diapers. We were even born in the same damn hospital. And Raven was everything I ever wanted in my life! She's my heart, my soul mate, my oxygen, my world. The two people I swore to love until I die betrayed me. I continued to watch them until I got emotionally sick of it. My heart was pounding and heavy tears were rushing down my face like a continuous river. My hands were trembling, as I slowly took out the lucky charm and laid it on the ground.

I ran out of school and couldn't stop asking myself why would they even think of doing this to me?Why?!


I was so angry when I told Alexandra.

- How could they do this to me, Alex? How could they?!

She didn't say nothing. Her head was looking at the carpet and it seemed like if she was thinking about what I just said. 

- Not a reason, she mumbled, THAT'S NOT A FUCKING REASON! she shouted.

- Yes it is! How do you think I feel?

- What in the motherfuckin' living fuck is wrong with you?

- ...


- Nothing is wrong with me!

- Are you sure, Craig? Are you sure? Why do you have to be such a coward? Why can't you accept the fact that Rachel physically resembles Raven? You always make a small thing look so damn big. Okay, I get it, it broke your heart to see them betray you but do you have to make an innocent person suffer the way you did? Rachel never fucking did shit to you and you can't even be grateful. You know, I never told you this but the reason why she was actually here is because she escaped from her house. Her so called father treated her like shit and she couldn't take the abuse no more. Already, with the sad life she has, you have to come at her and be extremely mean! Can you believe yourself?

- Well, the last time I checked, I didn't know anything about her fucking life. Quit nagging me. Plus, I don't know why she came here when she could have went with her mother! I spat.

Alexandra looked at me with the anger and pain boiled up inside of her.

- Her mom is dead, Craig.


Sorry it took me sooooo long to update!! I hope it won't happen again.

But Craig getting on my last nerves! 

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan me!!

- Alexia 

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