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[ o i k a w a t . | b e a c h ]



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A sigh escape your lips while trying your best to built yet another sand castle when an unexpected wave came crashing onto it, ending everything with a ruined masterpiece.

Why do you even thought about building it just inches away from the water? Oh well, let's just forget the reason why.

Everything went smoothly, as you finally put the last touch up. And then, unfortunately a huge wave came crashing onto it once again. Staring at it immensely with eyes burning with anger, you stood up from your seat and turn towards the huddle of boys in the ocean laughing.

Their laughs almost made you gauge their eyes out in anger. Heaving a deep breath, you shout---"Hanamaki!"

The said male, froze in his spot, as his other team mates sweat dropped in fear.

"Face me." You demanded.

He slowly turn his stiff head towards your direction, before finally managing to smile in return.

"Yes? [Name]-san?" He asked, carefully choosing the right words to use.

"Stop playing with waves, you dumbass! "

He stiffen and manage to nod his head.

Not from afar Iwaizumi was seen surfing with his new bought board and was now using it to try the quality. And also...

Wait, where's your trashy boyfriend?

Head turning from left to right, Unisons of laughter was heard it came from where Hanamaki and the others are, turning your head you heard them yelling out a;

"Captain!" Hanamaki yelled, between his laughs.

"G-get out there! Hurry--pff.." The other tried his best to stiffle a laugh.

"Swim Captain! Swim! "

"Can he even heard us!? "

"Of course he will!"

"What if he had his headphones on?"

"Idiot! He'll use his phone in the middle of the ocean!? What if the battery dies down?! Use your mind!"

"It made sense. When did you get so smart?"

A 'tsk' was heard.

Finally turning your head in the ocean, you spotted a green floater with a familiar figure laying on it comfortably, bathing against the beaming sunlight of the afternoon rays.

And to make matters worst, it's your idiotic boyfriend.


A sigh of frustration left your lips, when you noticed that Iwaizumi is heading towards him with a huge wave. Well, not aware of the fact that the trash is there.

"CAPTAIN!" They all shouted.

You want to laugh, but you prevented yourself for doing so, the wave came crashing into the oblivious Oikawa.

Soon he was nowhere to be seen.

Thoughts started flooding your mind unstoppably.

What is he gets drowned?

What if a shark swallowed him whole?

What if a mermaid took him?

Wait... Do i even care?


Not at all.

Laughing to yourself you walk towards the ocean, grinning at the now walking Iwaizumi with his surf board in between his armpit, he gave you a confuse look.

"Where are you going?" He asked, clearly unaware.

"Swimming." You replied plainly, still smiling. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

He gave you a confuse look. Finally turning his attention in his teammates, he gave them a look that says; What? <(`^')>

They all stiffled alaugh. "You just accidentally drowned our captain. You worried his girlfriend!"

Unfortately you heard it, "Nope. Not going go happen!" You said, waving a hand.

They laughed, still with a confuse Iwaizumi.

You swam into the ocean, it was bot that far for you to spot a familiar red trunks. You laugh with your heart's content. You swam towards it before picking it up.

"Now where's that trash when you want to tease him?"

"Tooru-kun?" You called out.

Silence was all you can hear, and the shuffling of small waves. Gulping, you frantically yell his name.

"Damn, Tooru. Where are you?"(;∀;)

You can feel your heart beat increase.

"T--Tooru. If you can hear me, please respond. Damn it. I'll delete your selfies in my phone!"<(`^')>

In an instant, a hand grab your leg underneath causing you to shriek. The hand pulled you down, you manage to inhale enough oxygen to stay underwater.

Once you finally regain your sight, a familiar colour of a head blocks your vision, strong arms wrap your torso in a tight manner.

He soon pulled away turning to face you, the afternoon sun illuminating his being. He manage to smile before leaning to you, he close the gap between your lips. He gave you a sweet light kiss, before pulling you up with him.

With a blushing face, you gave him a look of annoyance.

But, he's just there blinking innocently while grinning like a piranha.

"You wouldn't delete my pictures, okay?"

You held out the red clothing, and gave him your best 'annoyed' look.

"Then, atleast put some trunks on."

His face turned red.

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