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[ o i k a w a t . | i k a n a i d e ]




It's nothing, I thought to myself.


The truth is, I want to stop those footsteps for a moment,


But you're gliding forward with such quick steps


That I simply watch.

Oikawa's grip on his pen tightened, as he wrote down the lectures his professor has provided, for their upcoming lesson.

He couldn't concentrate well, he was swallowed in a pit of utter desperation. And he badly needs to see you now, no matter what it takes. But as if time isn't giving it even a tinge of consideration. It passes by so slow, that it almost seems his own breathing was driving him insane.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

A sweat slid from his forehead down to his notes, his fingers were cold and numb, tightly clad against the plastic material. His usually neat handwritting was nowhere to be seen, as the usual blank paper was now filled with griffonage letters.

His breathing was ragged, as he gulp harshly trying to ease the imaginary lump forming inside his throat. Biting his lower lip in frustration, he tilted his head up. Eyes scanning the heads of his classmates quietly jotting down the lectures from the board situated in front.

Finally grasping the risk infront of him. He stood up and sped towards the door. He can hear his classmates confused questions and his professor's loud voice calling for him. But he didn't mind.

He didn't mind that he's still wearing his indoor shoes as he strode down the path, leading towards the train station.

He didn't mind that he took a cutting class for the first time.

He didn't mind that his hair would probably disheveled after this, or he would drench in sweat afterwards.

He didn't mind the familiar aching sensation building up in his chest. His drying throat, his aching ankle.

No, none of this has mattered. Because he knows; every passing second would eventually led to his life-time disappointment.

And he wouldn't want that.

最終便 きみは乗る ぼくを置いてって

On the last train, you board, leaving me behind,

はしりだす ゆっくりと 地面がずれていく

Gliding away. Slowly, the ground slides away.

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