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[ o i k a w a t . | i m g l a d y o u r e h e r e ]

 | i m g l a d y o u r e h e r e ]ONE SHOT

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Loud voices and various cheers was heard inside the huge gymnasium, as people and students from different schools gathered to watch the semi-finals.

it was Karasuno vs. Aoba Johsai.

You're supposed to cheer on your team which is on the other side of the audience area, but Oikawa insisted on having you by his group, in this match. You're nervously fidgeting with your fingers, as sweat started to build up on the side of your face. The thought of encountering his fan girls was not in the top of your list today.

You came here to support your boyfriend secretly, since you're from different school, only a few knew about your relationship with him. Thankfully, it still hadn't reach his fan base at the moment.

And that is what's bothering you currently, the point of being in the same group with his fan girls was driving you insane. you're wearing a different uniform, of course you would stand out in the crowd. But Oikawa seemed desperate enough, and has thought of a clever idea.

you grip the white and teal jacket closer to you, it was only draped on your shoulders, covering almost the color of your dark grey skirt, slightly blending with the crowd.
Oikawa lend you his jacket to form as your disguise, it wasn't really a bad idea. But the thought of getting caught, was not impossible.

The game went on for several minutes, it was difficult for you to just stay put and watch each teams struggle to win. Your team, Karasuno is in their match point. You're happy they've gone that far, but that thought seemed unappealing for Oikawa's team. And not to mention, for you as well.

If only it was possible for the both of them to go to Finals, then there would be no problem. You love both of the teams, and seeing as though there would only one victor in these two opposing teams, seemed awfully disappointing.

you watch as the score board increase their numbers non-stop. they're all desperate to win, eager to stay. and claim the title of being able to fight against the top team.
in this point, you can't tell if you're really in a certain team. In between them? every two teams has a desire to win.

it was all too sudden, when a whistle finally blew, it silenced the whole arena in a deafening roar. a ball dribbling on the other side of the court, was the only moving object everyone was focused on. and to make matters worst, it was the court for where Aoba Johsai is.

your gaze immediately turned to Oikawa, he stood still, eyes boring on the ground beneath him. warmth started to build up in the corner of your eyes, watching as how devastated the whole team was, their heads was hanging low in disbelief, disappointment and most of all, grief.

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