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[ o i k a w a   t . | t h i n k o f o i k a w a ]


"Duude, he's here! I can see him, haaalp!" (f/n) yelled, clutching her friend's arm tightly, she winced in pain as she terribly disguised her pain. "Then, don't look! goddammit." she yelled at the (h/c) haired girl.

she only whined in response, "How can I move on, if we're sharing a same school!?" (f/n) poorly defense herself, it's clearly possible that she can just try and move on easily. Since, it wasn't really a big of a deal.
It was just a crush.

"You're not even his ex-girlfriend, to start with! You don't exactly have to move on that much. You're exaggerating!" her friend defended. Trying her best to pry her poor arm from her death grip.

(f/n) whined even more, as her grip on her friend's arm only tightened, her nails digging deep in her skin.

She winced, "(f/n)-chan! staaaahppp!!!"



And once again, another arm abuse took place outside their school grounds, as (f/n) met her crush, playing volleyball as usual.

They're practicing for the upcoming match.

Sure is her grip will left a huge bruise.
"(f/n)-chan~" her best friend whined.

"Please don't abuse my arm anymore, even more helpless when you slap your palm on my skin. You sadist!"

(f/n) pout, letting go off her best friend's arm. A sigh of content left her mouth as she gently rub her arm in attempt to ease the pain.

"You know what? Stop. Just think of Oikawa! Think about Tooru!"

she look at her bestfriend, eyes furrowing in annoyance. "Him?" she pout her lips in adorable kind of way.

"Just think of him! Do you even wonder what would he think if he saw you gawking in some random guys?" she said, giving her smaller friend a reassuring pat on the back.


They reached the school gates for where they usually part ways, "Well, see you tomorrow! Bye~" her bestfriend said, bidding (f/n) a goodbye, as she run on the other way.

The (h/c) haired girl sighed, as she grip her bag straps tightly with her palms. Nervously pulling them, accidentally tightening them around her shoulders.
The sound of her keychains clashing against each other add up to her annoyance.

"The heck, Oikawa." she cursed under her breath.

Groaning to herself, she adjust it a bit, before she strode down her path.


Once home, she put her bag on her chair situated infront of her study table. She immediately changed into her comfortable clothes before plopping on her bed. She stared on her blank ceiling, eyes boring in the pale interior.

Sighing, she grab her phone lying by her side. The picture of a guy was seen plastered on her screen, as a phone wallpaper.

Clicking her gallery, she clicked that one album for which only consist of the person her best friend mentioned a while ago.

She tap her thumb on a certain picture of a guy; he has a soft chestnut hair styled side-swept , it looks pretty soft and styled to perfection, a smile was seen stretched on the surface of his face, adoring his adorable eyes, a popular peace sign was brought up using his right hand. A simple picture of a person she adores the most.

She smiled, and nodded her head. Her (e/c) eyes staring deep into his soft brown ones. As if she's trying to communicate in a sort of way. Her lips open up, and spoke in a whisper kind of tone.

"Yeah. What would a fictional boyfriend would think of me, anyway?"

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