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[ o i k a w a t. | s u p e r m a n ]

 | s u p e r m a n ]SONG FIC

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I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naïve,

I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird,
I'm more than a plane,

I'm more than some
pretty face beside a train,
It's not easy to be me

"Tooru," (f/n) called out as she entered the gym, her voice bounced back in the almost empty gym as she made her entrance.

The said male turn his head towards the voice, a smile etching it's way towards his face despite the numerous bullets of sweat, dripping from his forehead.

"What is it, (f/n)-chan?~" he asked, his soft brown eyes never leaving her own.

"Can I have a moment with you?" she said sternly, her gaze pierced through him, as he nervously gulp in return.

"...why?" he asked once again, an awkward curve formed right through his lips,

But the female simply ignored his question. Once she reached the male sitting on the wooden surface, she lend him her hand.

"Come with me."

He stared at her hand for a while, as he finally made a move to grab it and help himself up. The girl squeezed his hand firmly with hers, as she drag him out of the gym.

The walk was unbearably quiet, only a few sound of shoes clicking against the dirt pavement, and onto the hard concrete was heard.

(f/n) slid open the door of her classroom, beautiful orange light illuminated the 4 corners of the room, as the dimming sun lit it with its soft glow.

The female turn towards the male, his brown eyes was probably fixated on the floor the whole time, since once he tilted his head up, his brown hues widened the slightest at the rare sight.

He can't afford seeing such a beautiful scenery in the secluded corners of the gym, due to the fact that he's been always busy practicing and such, one minute he'll all be surprised, knowing it's already 6:00 PM.

"Beautiful isn't?" a soothing voice asked, turning his head at the source, he found (f/n) smiling at him, the soft glow adds up to her fascinating features, he can't help but to smile in return and nod his head in approval.

"It's been a long time since I get to see a sunset."

a chuckle from the girl was heard.
"Mhm, Probably because you're always busy. Aren't you?" she asked, her (e/c) orbs turn to his soft brown ones.

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