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[ o i k a w a   t . | e v e r y t h i n g ]


I love him. I love everything about him. His eyes, nose, mouth. Everything. Such simple actions won't fail to send my heart pulsate in unrecognizable rhythm. How simply his eyes would gleam the slightest, or even how his nose would crinkle just a bit.

I love it how his lips would curve in a breathtaking smile, or just how simple that thin line is; but everytime he does? He just never cease to impress me. What was it that made him like this? What was it that makes him unable to resist? To detter? It's surprisingly terrifying.

I failed to see how he managed to put me in this absurd situation. And unfortunately, I don't know how to get out. He's my everything, my source of happiness, my weakness, my utter blues. Ridiculous right?

He's just a person in this God forsaken world. He's just a single individual in this farce incredulity. And yet? How can he managed to brought such flawless clandestine to life; that it almost seems to absolved all the blunder one's commit.

His unseen presence seems too much to handle. Too much to bear, too much to contain. Not even a single person would be able to compare with him.

He's just too much for this world.

Too good, too beautiful, too perfect for this reality to bear,

Maybe that's why this love won't really pay afterall. Won't cease to exist and will never be.

'Cause such ciré existence weren't permitted to live.

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