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Today, is our school program in which another stage play will be able to present there hardship in terms of acting in our stage.

Well, It seems I'm interested enough so I stayed.

While watching the play, entitled as Kitchen Musical I can't help but to smile a bit, I guess it's not bad after all.

Soon, my eyes caught a figure which piqued my interest.

He somehow reminds me of someone. Upon squinting my eye to get a better look.
It finay dawned to me that it was Oikawa!

The heck are you doing there, fool?

He's casually laughing there, while stating his dialogues. Soon he turn towards a lady wearing a tossled night gown.
"Honey, Good morning! ~" he said with his usual cheerful voice. That somehow made me smile, that soothing "Honey" made me crack a small smile.

This idiot is taking a break from his volleyball, and now part-timing as a stage play actor.

It made me chuckle, as I stood up and headed towards the cafeteria. I'm kind of hungry since I haven't eat anything this morning.

I sat all alone in one of the unoccupied seats, I'm currently munching down a couple of chips I bought a while ago. Soon, I heard squeeling and screaming of Random girls.

Preferably annoyed.

I sigh and glance backwards, just about to take a second to look, but that thought slipped out of my head when I took a double look.

I.. it's Oikawa!

I choke on my food, as I grab the bottle of water and chug it down in few gulps.

Heaving a deep breath, I turn backwards once again, the crowd of girls started to drift away once they bid their goodbyes.

And once again, Oikawa was alone on his table, his fingers flying on the screen of his phone, probably posting something or just checking/scrolling through his Facebook news feed.

Letting out yet another frustrated sigh, I finished off my chips before putting it in the trash bin.

About to walk back at the stage play, I noticed that Oikawa was still there, He's crunched up figure stiffly stuck in his seat, while his eyes planted firmly on his phone screen.

This guy has no life at all.

I walk back to the stage and sat on my usual seat.


Scrolling through my Facebook news feed, I stumbled upon a post about our school volleyball players. They're grinning there enthusiastically, as one of their teammates held the phone up as high as he can get, I chuckle when I saw a blurred one, and their priceless faces.

Scrolling through their pictures, trying to find someone familiar. And unfortunately, I did.

It's Oikawa.

And as usual he's grinning there with his toothy grin, his right hand forming a peace sign. Maybe, his signature look.

I look at the comment box, and found funny comments;

Oikawa Tooru : Eh? I hate the 3rd pic! Delete it pleasee.💦(';д;')
• 👍 6 Likes • 💬 Comment

Iwaizumi Hajime : Oh, look! At last, someone made the declaration about his messed-up look.
• 👍 9 Likes • 💬 Comment

Oikawa Tooru : . . .

• 👍 4 Likes • 💬 Comment

Hanamaki Takahiro : Buuuurn.

• 👍 8 Likes • 💬 Comment


I cracked up laughing, soon I clicked Oikawa's profile and just then I noticed--He's not my friend.


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