ー ONE | II

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[ o i k a w a   t . | c u p o f t ea ]



With pitch black surroundings, covering her vision. ______managed to swivel her chair to the right for which is directed to her mother, whose currently preparing her favorite breakfast. Ah, School. you don't attend them anymore. After the incident, you were forced to be home-school.

"Mom? Has Oikawa called you already?" She asked, hoping for her positive response.

"Not yet, dear. Why? Is something that matter?" Her mom asked, wiping her hands using the white rag situated on the counter.

"Nothing actually." She replied plainly, amidst of being concern.

Her mom knew something was off, but she chose not to press any further and worried the concern girl. Putting the pan by the sink, ______ turn to her mother once again.

"Oh, and he says 'Thank you.'... for the milk bread." She says akwardly.

Her heart felt a bit better, after hearing those simple words. "When he visits later this afternoon, tell him he's always welcome! What a good child."

Her praise brought a soft smile on her face, "Sadly, he won't visit today. Since he'll have an appointment to attend to."

There was a silence.

"Oh, well.. Maybe sometime will do."

The brief pause put millions of questions inside her head, begging to be answered, with only a small simple statement lef, decent enough to say. And unfortunately she settled with the latter.

"Yeah. Hope he'll get here soon."


"______." Her mom called outside her bedroom door. It was faint, and barely audible.

She was locked in her room for days, she couldn't bare the fact that Oikawa hasn't called since then, not even a simple text, on what was happening to him at the moment. The thought made her feel like she was of no use anymore.

It's been a week since Oikawa last visited, and she couldn't help but to assumed something has happened. There was a tinge of anger building inside her, but most of it contains a pure concern and worry that brought her into this state.

Not even his teammates were aware about the fact, that their captain was gone. They all thought he was just paying you a visit, more than usual. Since it was his usual routine, skipping in practice, and making excuses then and there. Well atleast he's excused. He will said to himself.

But now? He doesn't show up in their practices, to state his excuses, even in school. He doesn't attend any of their classes anymore. It made the girl in utter concern. What was happening to him? She often asked herself but only to be answered with a mere silence in return.

She had no idea.

Wrapped in her soft blanket, dull eyes boring into the distance with only her usual pitch black surrounding keeping her in company.

"_______." Her mom called out once again.

But only to be ignored, despite feeling a bit of guilt about it.

The sound of her telephone ringed in the silence of her room, but she made no move to answer it and tell them to leave her alone for the millionth time around.

The constant ringing, soon brought into voice mail.

The voice first cleared their throat, before proceeding to state their concerns.
The room was quiet for a moment, accompanied only with the silent sound of cold drizzle outside.

"_______- san. It's Iwaizumi, hope you're still doing well. Eating your meals properly, amd still enjoying your usual routine. 'Cause actually, everyone's worrying about you as well. Not just about Oikawa and all... We all know you're suffering from different kind of lose, and we sincerely understand it.----"

Another ring came in, and it went straight into voice mail.

"And if by chance you get to see Oikawa again---contact me first and I'll give him a punch, square in the face." There's a few shuffling then and there, and soon numerous voices can be heard.

"Hey! I'll state mine too!"

"Back off! I'm second to the line!"


Silence all again was left, the girl curled herself up, palms covering her face, as numerous tears trickle their way out of her eyes in a pitiful manner.

"Why? Why'd you have to leave?"


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