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"Patient of room 301 (Full name). The operation will start in 15 minutes. Take your time to do any necessities. Thank you." The nurse announced, before walking out of the room.

The girl's mother held her hand tight, firmly with hers. "It's happening dear. We've finally get a chance to found donor that has the same blood type as yours. Hoping this won't get rejected like the previous ones." Her mother said, rubbing her knuckles, carefully avoiding some needles piercing on the back of her hand.

"Yeah. Be sure to give them my deepest way of appreciation. I felt bad about them leaving their usual peaceful life."

Her mother smiled in return, "Don't worry dear, I will."

This put her at ease.

She'd gone through a lot of hardships in life, several operations were held in a couple of months, in attempt to find a right cornea to transfer in exchange of her damaged ones.

They've been doing this for almost 2 years, yet nothing has ever been successful with all those past operation.

And to top that, this will be their last resort, if anything has ever go right, then hopefully this will be a success.



He's anxious.


The heavy feeling in his chest only grew more prominent, as he zoom into the bustling streets of tokyo, bumping with random people on his way,

He fell,


And almost forgot to provide his lungs the oxygen it needs.
His mouth and throat dries out, as air filled them in a harsh confinement.
He couldn't stop, even when his legs begged him to.
His lungs ache.
His chest felt heavy.
His legs beginning to shook under his weight.
But he didn't mind.

There was an accident, a car accident. _____... She's in there.

He needs to see you, now.

Once he reach the palely white building of the hospital, he didn't hesitate to ran towards the entrance of the building, running through random hallways and sections.

Room 103

He found the elevator, and unfortunately it was packed. Clicking his tongue he turn to his right and found the staircase, without further a do. He put all the strength in his legs and take the flight of stairs, running in a fast pace his athletic legs can take him.

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