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[ o i k a w a   t . | m i l k b r e a d ]


"Ne-ne? [last name]-chan~ Where are you going to eat lunch?" Asked the chocolate-haired male, as he followed you like a lost puppy. His voice was airy as usual, and the way the words left his mouth was purely sugar-coated. You now realized your mistake.

You should have come to Karasuno.

Turning around to face the flamboyant male, you gave him a frown that made him stiffen a bit. "I don't have一"


Your face paled as you realized your second mistake, you don't brought a lunch with you. Your breathing stopped for a moment, at the thought of not being able to taste food for the next 4 hours. Wait.. you can just buy in the cafeteria, right? Grinning slightly, you started to felt your skirt pockets if you have your wallet. But no such luck.

You're too excited to attend the school, that you forgot to brought the necessities!

"Crap." You muttered under your breath, sweating profusely.

The male infront of you, grew confused at your sudden actions, and started to ask you a question, "You don't have your bento一right?" The tone of his voice was clear that he hesitated at first.

Tilting your head up, you frowned at him. "How can you say that?" You asked tauntingly.

He raised an eyebrow at your question, "it's pretty much obvious." He stated, soft lips forming into a small pout.

"How can you tell?" You asked again, trying to probe him a little. He whined, and soon formed a pout.

"It's clear you're not from here. So I'm kind of positive you don't know the school's regulations. You don't look like any japanese, might I add."

Because I'm not. You idiot.

"And? Now that you know I don't have a bento with me, what would you do?" You asked, right eyebrow raised accusingly.

He purse his lips into thin line and spoke,
"Nothing!一because I don't have any lunch with me either! Isn't it great? I'll accompany you! You should be grateful!"

You stared at him in disbelief.

He's more stupid than I expected him to be.


Sitting side by side with a beautiful man beside you, was both awkward and annoying at the same time. Students will pass by and will give you a look while some started whispering and such. It pisses you off,

It's certainly not my fault, that this man decided to stick with me!

You're both sitting on a bench beside the school building, where tons of flowers were laying casually. The wind freely brushing along the bushes. It was a calming quietness. Except for the soft hum coming from the person beside you.

You look at the oblivious male, and frowned.

How can such perfection exist in this world?

He was humming a soft tune playing inside his head, he effortlessly swayed his body side to side, feeling the soft breeze brush past against his skin, the way his hair would follow his moves was both irritating and absurd at the same time, the afternoon sun served as a spotlight, as a soft smile adorned his youthful look like a model in a photo shoot.

Curse him, and his looks.

"Ne, [last name]-chan?~" he called out, you blinked a few times in attempt to compose yourself. He stopped, and turn his head towards you. His brown warm hues stared back at your own. "Why did you transfer here all of a sudden?" he asked, eyes with various swarming dark colours stared at you curiously.

You puff your cheeks and grin,

"I don't know," you answered and grinned at him. It only led to fuel his curiosity even more, as he whined annoyingly. "Ehh?? [Last name]-chan~ I want to know!~" he whined, pouting his lips in adorable manner, in attempt to get to you.

But you only smack a hand on his forehead, earning a loud wince of pain from the setter. "Ittai-yo!" He massaged the pain you inflicted on his forehead, whining as he did so.

You cross your arms against your chest, as you stood up from your sit. "Aren't you hungry, Oikawa?" You asked,

His eyes lit up at the mention of his name, ignoring the seething pain on his reddened forehead, he tilted his head up. Brown eyes met your own as a huge grin appeared on his lips. "Of course, I am!"

You scoffed, "Unfortunately, I don't have any money here." You stated the obvious.

He grew quiet for a while, that made you curious. You looked down and saw him deep in thought. His dark eyebrows was furrowed in deep concentration.

"..Oikawa?," you called out,

The male's lips stretched up into a huge grin, as he tilted his head up again.

"I have a food in my pocket!" He beamed in delight, he stood up and started to feel in his pocket,

That's what his deep thinking was all about?

You watch the desperate male, eagerly rummaging through his pockets. His dark eyebrows would furrow whenever he found something, he didn't expect to be there for who knows how long.

Like a crumpled paper, which is tarred from laundry. Or some wrappers of candy he stole from Maki, and some papers which is probably given by his fan girls, which he neglected to read.

Just then, he found what he's looking for! It was kept on his back pocket! Wait一what.

"Ta-da!~" he exclaimed, pulling out a flattened pack of bread. A milk bread.

The bread was flattened to the bone, due to his immense sitting for who knows how long.

".. No worries! I bought this early in the morning! It's still fresh!"

"It's squished, not even close to fresh!"

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