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The constant glance I always gave, waver once I saw her with him. And as usual, they're both as happy as I'm expecting them to be, laughing in each and every jokes the one of them has told. While the other was eager to heard more.

It was a really common occurence, actually.
But to think that I'm not used to it was against the whole point.

I used to see him alone everyday, attending their volleyball practices just like any normal athlete out there, sometimes seeing him hanging out with his co-players, talking about some random stuff I'm sure I'm not familiar with.

Those are just some simple things, I often see him doing in the past 4 months.

But oddly enough, those simple routine has changed, when the truth slap itself onto me.
The issue spread drastically, like a plague. And just like any normal school? This issue isn't one those cliché ones, like some news that are heard off.

He's an athlete, a volleyball player, a captain. Of course, every and each of these traits will be adored by many. And mostly girls. And unfortunately it includes me.

By the time I found out about it, I actually smiled despite the unbearable pain emitting deep in my chest, that I couldn't even help but to try and ease my breathing.

I smiled. Smiled. Smiled. Everytime I pass by the gym doors, I still hear those familiar spikes of his rubber shoes, those noise the ball creates once it touches the hard surface.

those simple thing doesn't changed at all. in fact? it was there, like a list of things that forcing itself onto me, reminding me of the things I've used to do.

But how can I turn to my usual way? When I know, that even though behind this smiles; Lies my raging thoughts, secured within confining.

As I pass by the gym doors, a ball rolls out of the gym, and onto the dirt pavement.
My eyes was locked on the item for which reminds me of him. The prolong staring was cutted off, when I heard a familair voice calls out from the confinement of the secluded gym.

"Ah! I apologize, can you pass the ball to me please?" He asked,

He was there, standing meters away from me, he was looking at me straight in the eyes with his soft chocolate brown ones. That it seems to glow even more against the beaming light of the dimming sun.

I swiftly took away my attention from him, before slowly crouching down to get the ball. I grip it tightly using both palms of my hand, as I take a step closer to him.




My other hand held the ball against my palm, before stretching it out for him to take.

A smile etched it's way towards his youthful look, as he slowly took the ball out of my grasp, after a few seconds. He gave me his usual cheery smile, the one he gave to those people who adore him, not the one he gave to her, he look at me straight in the eyes which seemed to burn right through me, but not as he look at her. He talks to me like we're some old friends, that used to hang out in the park, playing hide and seek. but not as he talk with her.

He gave me his thanks.

but only to be forgotten, days after.

He smiled at me.

only to fade away seconds later.

he sees me.

only to be invisible once again.

Because she's just a simple girl in sight, that one extra person in a play, that one character in a movie which only portrays a role, which is indicated to push the protagonist forward,

probably the prompter of a set,

a silent wind.

And invisible to the one she love.

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