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[ o i k a w a   t . | e x c u s e m e ]


"Hajime," you called out.

The said name turned his head towards your direction. His body grew stiffed at the sight before him. Wearing a long [color] gown clad against your figure seemed to stunned the man. "Hajime?" You called out once again, once you noticed his daze state.

He blinks and attempt to adjust the lapels of his suit just to ease the awkwardness, creeping in. "What do you think?" You asked, turning around slolwy to show him the whole look.

He tried to make an eye contact, but his body refused to as they flickered to his side.
"Y-you look.. f-fine, really." His poorly stated compliment, seems to boost your confidence a bit, as a huge smile stretched it's way across your youthful features. Pomegranate lips curved into a breathtaking smile, you laugh a bit. "Why, Thank you good sir. Well you look absolutely stunning as well."

He frowned, "Stunning?"

You laughed.

Tonight was the night for which your ball will be held in one of the most popular hotel in Tokyo. The ball's theme was all about Purity and Grace. This was a pretty rare occasion to top that.

Iwaizumi sauntered towards you with a small smile adoring his slightly chapped lips, though a little frown was visible in between his dark brows for contradiction. He soon stretched out his hand towards you.

"Let's go?"

You smiled, as you grab his hand, him guiding you down the path towards the entrance of the venue. Many people are looking at the both of you, some were in awe, while some were curious.

He soon led you to a seat, you sat there comfortably, and so does he. Once set. You lean in towards the green-eyed man and spoke. "The mission?" His green orbs flickered towards you, and he let out a scoff. "Well yeah, sure. I know that."

After a few announcements, small programs and dinner. The dance floor was now open. You turn towards the male with a huge grin stretched across your lips. He's quite afraid it might rip your cheeks.

"I know, I know." He said, waving a hand as he took one last gulp from his water. Putting down the glass, he pressed his lips into a thin line, and turn to look at you.

"Now, where is that guy?"


"Hajime? My feet badly hurts." You muttered, loud enough for him to hear. His hand were holding yours to guide you in carrying your long gown. "It hurts, really." You soon tilted your head upwards, tears were building in the corner of your eyes, but still not enough to escape the confinement of your sockets. Lips quivering you held onto Iwaizumi's shoulder.

He frowned a bit, though he's badly worried. He soon scan his eyes around him and found a bench not from a far. "Can you still walk?" He asked sternly-concerned, well atleast he tried to sound gentle at least.

You managed to nod your head, without further hesitation he guide you toward the bench. Once he helps you sit down comfortably, a sigh of relief escape your lips.

Iwaizumi then kneel infront of you, as he held yor right foot in his hands. "I'll took it off, is it alright?" He asked, voice slightly inaudible due to the loud music blaring in the venue.


His finger touch the back of your toe, as he gently took off the sandals. He put the shoe down on his side as his syes remained focus on your foot. "[Name]. Why do you even decided to wear a 4 inches heels?" He asked sternly, and yet it still has a tinge of concern lingering in his voice.

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