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"You ever notice how some girls use this filter and then have the caption 'flower child'?"

"Omg yes... basic bitches" maya scoffs

We're currently on snapchat playing with the filters while Eli tries to convince my parents to let him drive.

Elijah's the worst driver on planet earth, he once hit a parked car and said it was there fault he had the right of way.

"Alright do the dog filter"

"Lets go" Elijah says while jogging down the steps

"You got the car?" I say while swinging my bag over my shoulders

"Not only did I convince them to let me drive" he holds up a pair of keys " I convinced them in letting me drive the rover."

"Good shit" Mia says while looking impressed

Antonio comes down the stairs and trips on the last step" damnit.."

"Nice going compañero" Elijah says while chuckling at Toni

" yeah, yeah can we hit the road jack" Toni says while walking over to us

Elijah shakes his head while chuckling and walks to the door.
We pulled up to school about ten minutes later, I was ready to get up out of there I was close to dying in that car if I stayed in it any longer.

"I can't believe you passed gas" Mia says while fanning the air

"Your over dramatic it wasn't that bad" Elijah says nonchalantly

"You locked the windows so we couldn't roll them down..."Elijah smirks at Toni"and continued to fart over and over"

"Yeah whatever.. you know I did that one time with tucker and he pulled a knife out...." Elijah and Toni's conversation trailed off as they walked into the school leaving me behind with Mia

"So I'll see you at lunch" Mia says while walking ahead of me but I stoped her

"Wait we have drama second period remember" she shakes her head no

" I switched out I'm in dance now and Eli switched to chorus" I curse under my breath as she laughs and turns around to leave

"hasta luego chica" she calls over her shoulder

I was walking in the crowded halls when a tall guy bumped his shoulder with mine, the idiot had the nerve to scowl at me so I returned the expression back

"Watch where your going"

"I was going to say sorry and give you a small smile and leave, but then you spoke and my intentions died"I spat

"You know what else died?"I raise an eyebrow "my brain cells, because I'm sitting here talking to you"

"And I'm losing my patience sitting here listening to you speak"

"Im sick and tired of your mouth, and we just met"he narrows his eyes at me

"Get some medicine and take a nap" I give him a tight smile and cross my arms

"Who do you think you are?" He says while taking a step towards me

Im really pissed at the moment

You should really hit him, I'd be honored to

"Maya" a deep voice says from behind me, I turn around to see a tall guy with beautiful green eyes and curly light brown hair " so...."he looks down at me " is there a problem here chase"

"Stay out of it Kramer" the dbag-chase- says

"He asked if there was a problem..... chase"

Okay when someone, mostly just guys mess with me it's like my brothers get a signal in there brain and they come and find me, and when they do someone usually gets hurt

So when I heard Elijah's voice I knew something was going to happen, and I had to stop it before Elijah got himself suspended,

For god sakes first period didn't even start yet.

Chase looks up at Elijah wide eyed " uhh... n-no Elijah were good here this chick just bumped into me and I wanted her to realize who she was dealing with" he chuckles

Elijah pushes me to the side and steps up to chase, if he widens his eyes anymore they'll fall out of his head " you mess with my sister again, I'll show you who your messing with,got it"

"Y-yeah dude I didn't know it was your sister"he narrows his eyes at me

Oh hell no, did he just call me a it

I go to jump at him but the cute guy holds me by my waist" let me go, let me hit 'em"
I struggle to get loose but this guy was strong

Curse him and his muscles

"Go" Elijah pushes chases chest

He turns around and stomps down the hall like a little baby, I swear next time I see him I'm gonna...

"Throat punch him, next time I see him I'm going to throat punch" I say while the guy puts me down

"You" Elijah points to me"
sin golpes de garganta, que se metan en problemas si se mete con usted otra vez venga a mí tengo" ( no throat punches, you stay out of trouble if he messes with you again come to me,got it?)

I roll my eyes" si" he sighs

"Good I'll see you later, yeah"I wave him off and he chuckles, nods at the guy behind me and leaves.

I turn around to the gorgeous human, he looks down at me and smirks I narrow my eyes at him as he pokes his tongue out and licks his lips

"Maya" he says

"Thanks and who are you?"I ask

"Owen, owen Kramer" he smiles at me, and he was one of the people that have a contagious smile so I smiled back with out even thinking

" well Owen, nice to meet you"he smiles at me once again this time his pearly whites show" well I gotta go"

"Wait Maya" he jogs up beside me " there's a football game tonight and I was wondering if you were going at all or not?" He asks

"Nah, I didn't know about it, but I guess I can go now"I say while I pull my locker open

"Great, well here....is....my .... my number" he says while writing his number on a piece of paper"and call me for more information" I nod and take the paper

"Cool" I say simply then look up at him

"See you then" he winks then walks away


What?! He's hot,

But Not as hot as

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