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Game day, time to grind

I'm focused and ready, coach just gave us a speech to get us pumped up, we're going against our rivals the ravens so this game is serious tonight.

I'm gearing up and getting ready while Owens sitting here talking about a girl he hooked up with.

"So she asked me what were we, I looked at her like she was crazy" he shakes his head "what are we" he scoffs " and then when I didn't answer she asks me for my phone number, I gave her a number, just wasn't mine" he chuckles

"That's messed up man"I laugh at my dumb bestfriend

"Hey I mean she was alright in bed but her whole......"

Ring Ring Ring

My phone starts ringing cutting Owen off, I look at the phone and see a unknown number.

I raise my eyebrow up at the number as it continues to ring

"You going to answer or just look at it like an idiot?" owen asks

"I don't know who it is"

"Just answer it man"

" fine" I go to answer it and then Owen looks up at me with wide eyes

"Wait, Hunter wait I forgot to tell you" he whispers

"Hello" a girl says on the other line

"Tell me what" I whisper back

"Hello" she repeats

"Yeah uhh... hello"

"Hey so I'm here and I don't see you"

"You don't-.... wait who is this?" I see Owen throwing his jersey on quite fast and coming towards me

"May-" I couldn't here her finish because Owen takes the phone from my ear

"Hey.. uhh yeah sorry 'bout that ......I'm actually a player....sure.....yeah.....go to the red doors by the concession stand.....alright....I'm coming now, see you in a bit...."he chuckles" bye, Maya"

Hold the hell up


"Did you say Maya?" He gives me my phone back and puts on his shoes

"Yeah dude, I gave her your number when I ran into her today at school, because I know you like her-"

" I do not like her" he gives me a knowing look and then crosses his arms

"Okay, so you don't mind if I ask her out do you?" He raises a eyebrow "because she's waiting for me at the doors right now" i tense up, and narrow my eyes at Owen, when I don't say anything he picks up his extra jersey and shakes his head while laughing

"I'm going to see her, wanna come?" I scoff at him and walk up to the doors without saying anything

When I pushed the doors open I see Maya sitting on the curb rubbing her arms.

She had on some dark jeans and a baggy t- shirt that said 'my boyfriends shirt'.and her hair in a messy bun, she looked beautiful and she wasn't even trying.

"May" Owen says while jogging up to her

She looks up and a huge grin appears on her face, when Owen got up to her he wrapped his arms around her, he said something in her ear that got her to hit his arm and laugh

"Here I got the jersey" he hands over his extra jersey to Maya

"You sure you don't need it" she says while taking the jersey from him

"Nah I have another one,see.." he tugs on the jersey he's wearing

She slips the jersey over her head and looks down at it " you look nice in it,but I look better " she says while popping the collar and pursing her lips

"You sure do may" he laughs

I'm sick of this shit

There sitting here in front of me flirting, and I'm not going to lie I'm getting a little jealous so I walk up to them and clear my throat

"Oh uh ... may you know Hunter"Owen says while putting a head on my shoulder and pulling me forward

"Yeah you helped me find my class like two days ago, nice to see you again"

"Same here, so you here by your self?"

"Yeah because this guy didn't tell me he was a player" she pushes Owen shoulder playfully

"Hey sorry I forgot to mention it, but now you get to cheer me on" he smirks and then glances at me from the corner of his eye

"Yeah I guess" she rolls her eyes in a playful manner " I'll be cheering you on as well Hunter" I smile and look at Owen and see him roll his eyes

" that would be fantastic Maya, thank you"I say " but I don't want you by yourself, you gonna be alright?"

" I'll be find, you guys need to focus okay" she looks between us " big game today I hear, so that means you both are going to go out there and whoop some raven ass you hear me"she shouts, me and Owen nod "so win damnit we're going to win"

She gets better and better by the minute

She clears her throat "no pressure" she turns to walk away but she looks back with a smile " because pressure is something you feel when you don't know what your doing" she winks

Did she just quote chuck noll

"I hate the steelers,babe" Owen shouts

"They're not fond of you either kid"

She walks away into the crowd

And either I'm crazy or she actually said it

"Hunter.....good luck babe"

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