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I arrived at the apartment complex ten minutes after I left Mays's house. It wasn't that far away, i just really suck at directions and my GPS kept acting all wonky and such.

I got out the car and made my way inside, as soon as I step in I'm swirled with heat from the lobby. I made my way up to the front desk but no one was there. I saw a 'regulars guest list' so I quickly took a pen and rote down

Hunter Grady

Right when I put the pen back a lady in about her thirties with bouncy blonde hair came out.

"Hello, how may I help you" she smiles

"Yes, I'm here for Leonardo..... coretta" if his last name wasn't coretta then I was fucked

She clicked away on her computer before smiling and looking at the guest list I signed "your name please"

"Of course, Hunter Grady. He's expecting me"

"And who are you to him"

"Let's say I'm his brother-in-law"

Don't judge me. me and Maya 'talk' so we'll be going out soon and I needed an excuse.

"Okay go right on up, floor four-"she chuckles " I believe you would already know"

I pursed my lips and nod before going to the elevator. I believe I do not know.

Okay! If he drives a Asin Martin. Always wears expensive suits, and not to forget he's a coretta. He has to live in the biggest most expensive apartment.

So I clicked the fourteenth floor, the penthouse. I waited and waited in till the elevator dinged and the doors opened

There was only one door on this floor so I went to it and prayed that this was him. And if it was I prayed he wouldn't kill me. I knocked on the door three good times

I waited for about two minutes when the door opened and Leo begin speaking without looking up first

"I knew you would come back you left your underwe- what the fuck" he shouts as soon as he sees me

I looked in my pants" nah, I have my underwear on already dude"I hold up a finger" and once again I don't bat for the other team" I smirk and cock my head to the left

"Hunter what are you doing here?" He growls

I pat his shoulder and push the door open so I could step in. As soon as I was in I looked around it was nice but....

"Your place is big and nice, but not as big and nice as the coretta casa" I chuckle at the name I made for Mays's house

"This is a coretta casa, I'm a coretta"he closes the door and locks it

"Thanks for clearing that up for me, but this is not a coretta casa it's a coretta c......" I look to him" wait how do you say apartment in Spanish"I wonder

He walks past me into the kitchen and sits on a bar stool. I lean against the counter

"apartamento-" I nod, that was easy" -what are you doing here?" He repeats

I clear my throats and take my coat off and sit it on the back of the bar stool " so you remember the day you dropped me off?"he sighs and nods "well you acted really weird when you saw Maya, and that right there had me suspicious, but when I looked in Mays's eyes you know what I saw?" He sighs rubs his face and nods his head 'yes'


"Ding ding ding we have a winner" I twirl around while throwing my hands up in the air

"Well how did you know it was really me?! and how did you find my house?"

"Okay well first can I get some water or something all this talking is getting me thirsty" I rub my throat and chuckle when Leo makes a face at me and gets up and starts digging in cabinets" while you do that I'll explain, first I googled you and I saw some paparazzi pictures of you but none of your family and I couldn't find your last name anywhere" I drink the water he placed in front of me

"Then Maya invited me over to watch a movie and I saw family pictures on a fire place so I looked at them. And saw one little boy that I never saw before so I asked Maya who he was" I sip my drink and stare at Leo with a smirk

He starts shaking his head and opening his eyes wide and moving his hands in a forward motion " we'll you going tell me anything else or just keep sipping on that vodka"

I look in the cup and swirl it around " this is vodka..... it's good" I mumble into the cup

"Hunter finish before I hurt you" he demands and threatens

"You know your like a older jax and Elijah mixed in one. your really serious but you have a goofy side to you as well" I chuckle

"I would have said jax and Toni because Toni is more humorous then Eli"

"Obviously you've been gone for a while because Elijah-"

"Hunter" he shouts " continue"

"Oh she said you were her brother but you left for college a while back" he sighs and stands up " and then I left oh and how I found your house? I googled"

"You google a lot kid" he chuckles while putting on a coat

"Yeah- wait where are you going?"

"Taking you home because your tipsy so you can't drive and you have school in the morning" he tells me while getting his keys

"No my mom will kill me if I come home drunk, let me stay here and you just take me to school in the morning" he thinks
about it for a bit before giving up and letting me sleep in the guest room

Leo woke me up and let me eat breakfast before we got in the car and drove to the school. It was quiet for a while before he spoke up

"Remember you can't tell maya.... or anyone" he reminds me for the twenty fifth time

"Okay I got it. It's our little secret" I roll my eyes

"Good" he nods

He pulled into the parking lot and all eyes were on us. We'll all eyes were on his car. Before I got out I turned to him

"When are you going to tell them your here?"

He sighs and nods "soon"

"Well when ex-"

"Soon ligero, soon" he smiles a weak smile and I leave it at that.

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