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Number ten gets the ball and begins running down the line, but then a big guy from the ravens tackle him down. There's 'oohh's and  'that's got to hurt's from the crowd as my school calls a time out

I watch as the team huddles up and listens to the coach. Hunter looks away from the coach, and up to the bleachers. His eyes keep searching like he's looking for something, then his eyes stop at me and he smiles. I smile back and wave, he winks at me and then looks at the coach still smiling before he begins to speak.

I stop looking at Hunter when someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see Addison standing behind me with two other girls. She was wearing her cheerleading uniform with her hair up in a high ponytail.

"Maya how are you?" She asks

"I'm ok, how about you?"she sits down beside me and looks at the field and then back to me. But now she was smirking.

"I'm great, I'm here as a cheerleader,duh" she pulls her short skirt down a little

Like that did anything

"But I'm also here to cheer on my fabulous boyfriend" she smiles and looks at the field

" awe which number is he"


I look to the field looking for number thirteen while smiling. I was happy for her she was here supporting her boyfriend I thought that was so cute. When I finally find thirteen I look up at his face and my whole smile just disappears into thin air


He looks at me smiling again and when he sees me not smiling back he furrows his eyebrows and then looks to my side and sees Addison, his eyes go wide he looks back at me but I look away.

"So..." Addison starts " you supporting Owen" she wiggles her eyebrows

"Not like that he's a friend, I'm here for him and hunter"

her eye twitches and she frowns a little before she smiles a tight smile" oh... well then I have to get back to cheering see you around, let's go girls"

" okay " I mumble

The crowd goes crazy again as the boys run back onto the field.

You could here Owen yelling some football words signaling that the games starting. Owen gets the ball and then looks for someone to pass to.

Owen passes to number twenty four,he starts running but then two ravens come his way, he looks around and then throws the ball to thirteen-Hunter- he begins running down the line.

One raven tries to tackle down Hunter but he jumps over him and continues on strong. He dodges more tackles. And before I know it the crowd goes wild and you can see Hunter taking his helmet off in the touchdown zone and the rest of the team coming up to him and cheering him on.

" chitwin cugars  37 roberson ravens 32"
The announcer says

I climb down from the bleachers and walk up to the gate splitting off the track and the football field.

"Owen" I shout "Owen, hey"

He looks over at me and smiles before waving me over, I climb the gate and run over to him and immediately jump in to his arms.

He twirls me around while laughing and saying 'we won' on loop

"Good job out there" he laughs

"Thanks may, lets go find Hunter"

We walk around and then finally see Hunter talking to some of his teammates,

"Hunter" Owen yells Hunter looks over at us and smiles, me and Owen walk over to him

Right when I'm about to congratulate him on the touchdown a blonde flash comes and jumps into his arms and kisses him on the cheek

"Hunter you did such a good job out there, I'm proud of you"Addison says

"Thanks now could you get off me" Hunter says while trying to pry addisons arms from around his neck

"Uhh... okay so -ow" Hunter pushes past Addison and walks up to us

"Hey dude" he bro hugs Owen and then looks to me " hey Maya"

I hug him and then ruffle his hair " nice touchdown Grady"

"Eh I try" he shrugs

" cocky much" I laugh

"Nope, modest"

"Whatever" we laugh

" may every game we win we head over to jimmys and get some food wanna join"
Owen asks

I was going to answer when Addison comes up and speaks

" only the players and their girlfriends get to come, so when she begins to date a team member or becomes a player then she can come with us" she narrows her eyes at me

The hell is here probably, I've done nothing but be nice to the girl so she needs to stop with all this bull.

" us?" Hunter says looking down at her

"Yeah what's the problem" she locks her arm with hunters but he shakes it off

"You said it your self  only players and their girlfriends, so how are you allowed to come?, do you and chase go out again?"

That lying son of a- she doesn't go out with Hunter.

Thank the lord.

I mean wow she's such a liar.

Addison blinks at Hunter a couple of times then looks at me

"No, but she still can't go so-"

"May"Hunter begins

"What's up"

He smiles and then says something that shocks Addison and me.

"Will you go out with me?"

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