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So when I said said jax was going to be enraged I was right. Duh! He didn't take it so well he kept pacing back and forth. Cursing under his breath. Throwing things around in his room. The best of all hopping in his car and going god knows where. Now we're all sitting here thinking of places he could have gone.

"Maybe he went to a strip club" harry snickers at Toni's guess

"Why the hell would he have gone there?" Mia narrows her eyes at Toni

He shrugs " it's a stress reliever" Elijah laughs and shakes his head totally agreeing with Toni

"If jax finds him.... he's gonna kill him" I run my hands through my hair

"I tried to tell him" Mia mumbles

"Tell who?" Eli quirks and eyebrow

She looks at him wide eyed "you heard me?"

"Yes! Now who did you try to tell? And tell him what?"


"Bullshit who was it?" Toni jumps in


"Mia" Eli calls her


"Me" he calls again

Silence one again

"Mia Elizabeth coretta" he says with his accent

"Jason" she says quietly, Elijah moves towards her and asks her to repeat

"Jason" she says a little louder

"W-what do you mean Jason?" He shakes his head and moves away from her

She begins playing with her charm bracelet and bitting her bottom lip" I knew Jason was coming here, he kind of warned me because we are sort of on speaking terms. But he's changed guys he doesn't want trouble." She tries to convince us

I stare at her wide eyed because she completely lost her mind

"Someone please tell me my sister is not actually fucking stupid now." I growl
"Please tell me my sister isn't going to side with the guy that broke her heart and not to forget killed Elena" she flinches at my tone

"Wait a minute why is he back here anyway?" Harry pipes up

"Family, and he's a exchange student" Mia explains to harry

Toni scoffs "how the hell do you know if he's lying or not"

"Because he changed-"

"How the hell do you know?" Elijah yells while stepping up to her and staring directly in her eyes

"porque cambió eli cambió" (because he changed Eli, he changed) she yells back

"Oh, Dios mío" I roll my eyes

"He changed" she lowers her voice

Who does this girl think we are? Because we are surely not stupid. He did not change he's still the douche we left back at Rica . I don't believe anything she's saying.

"Now who are you trying to convince us" Elijah motions around" or you?" He pokes her in the forehead making her stumble back and whimper


"I need a drink or something" he waves his arms around before grabbing the car keys and leaving out the door

Toni scoffs and pulls out his phone"hey dude what you doin'.......great I'm on my way.....family shit, don't worry about it I'm on my way.... Kay bye" he hangs up ruffles Harry's hair, kisses me on the forehead,  and shakes his head at Mia before walking towards the door

"Antonio wait-" Mia cries

"Ah! No stop I'll be back I'm going to oscars house" he says before slamming the door shut behind him

Harry clears his throat" uhh... I can't drive or anything so...." he looks to me " Maya can you take me out to eat or something?" He doesn't even wait for my answer as he pulls on his jacket

I nod and then give Mia a tight smile "Maya" she whispers

I turn and walk towards the door "I'm telling mom and papa by the way" harry tells her before closing the door behind us.

"Jimmys?" He asks

"Jimmys" I confirm

" perhaps jimmys will be our always" he quotes fault in our stars while smirking up at me

I laugh and push him towards the passenger door" get in the car you dork"


Me and Harry have been sitting in jimmys eating and talking trying to keep our minds off of everything. I'm not going to lie harry is a fun person to talk to for an 8 year old

"...... and then she dumps all of Clarissas crayons on the floor, I asked her what was wrong and why she did it, and all she kept saying was, 'you can use my crayons not hers' "he mocks Lily's high pitch tone " I don't know what's up but she has been acting crazy" he nibbles on a French fri "girls are weird" he chuckles

"Sounds like Lily might have a crush on you" I hint

He shakes his head no " nah, we already talked it out"

"What you mean?" I put my elbows on the table and intertwined my fingers, and resting my chin on them. Getting really interested with Harry's fourth grade relationship problems

" we can't date because first gross" he scrunched up his nose and holds up two fingers " and two you and Hunter are going to get married soon so it would be weird. You know I'm dating my sister-in-law. That's some Maury type stuff" he laughs at his joke

I chuckle" I guess your right"

He smiles and mimics my position "you didn't deny marring Hunter in the near future"

I narrow my eyes at him"shut up"

"Okay, okay" he laughs

My phone rings, playing the NFL theme song. I immediately knew it was Mr. Hunter Grady

"Hello" I answer

"Uh...maya" he whispers

"Yeah what's up? Why are you whispering"

"Well I was calling to ask if you wanted to hang out, but I'm witnessing something interesting that I'm sure you might what to - oh fuck stop guys" he yells I hear wind hitting the speaker, meaning that Hunter may be running

" Hunter, Hunter what's going on?"I ask getting slightly nervous

"Guys cut it - ow damnit you hit me, woah . if I get hit again I'm going to beat someone's ass" I hear Hunter say. There's a lot of growls and yelling in the background

"Hunter what's going-"

"That's it I'm done... may get up to the school now before I punch this guy in the face"

"Punch who-"

I hear a lot of movement and hard breathing and people chanting in the background " Hunter, hunter, hunter,"They chant

" we gotta go" I tell harry as I stand up and continue listening to the phone

Harry nods and follows

I hear a faint cracking noise and then the crowd 'ooo's then goes completely quiet

"Welp...... you knocked him out" Hunter chokes out sounding out of breath "everyone go you-"

The line goes dead before Hunter could finish his sentence. I look at my phone and see that it died

"Shit" I mumble

Harry lets out a sigh and relaxes in his seat "what's up with you?" I ask

"You were on the phone and driving I thought I was going to die" I roll my eyes and drive to the school.

I'm a man on a mission. To see what the hell Hunter got him self into.

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