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It was a good Monday..

A damn good Monday. Why you may ask? Well I won my football game yesterday, 37-19. That's pretty damn good if you ask me.

I'm now walking through the halls getting congratulations and smiles from everyone. Oh and don't forget all the compliments on my now jet black hair.

I was a little iffy about it at first, but it's starting to grow on me. I look hot! What can I say.

I made it to the bench me and Owen sit at between breaks everyday. "Hey man" I say while sitting down

"Hey- did you do the history homework?"he says while looking in his bag

"Nah, after we got from jimmys I crashed! I have a A in there anyway so it won't hurt me" I shrug nonchalantly

"Show off" he murmurs

I chuckle while smiling but it soon fades when I see a tall blonde that irritates the hell out me

"Hey Owen.... hey Hunter" Addison says while twirling her hair around her finger

"Hello" I salute her

"Goodbye" Owen says before grabbing his bag and starts to jog down the hall

Thanks, dipshit

Addison sits on the bench beside me and smiles

I smile back and nod" what's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I really like your hair! What made you do it?" She tries moving closer to me but I scoot away from her.

"Just.... trying something new. You know" I grab my phone off of the bench and stand up

"Where are you going?" She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes


"He's coming with me to class." I look down and see Maya standing beside me with a sweet smile on her face" right?" She looks up at me

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and mouthed' thank you ' she winks in response "yup, we'll see ya Addison"

I turn me and Maya around and sigh in relief when we turned the corner" thank god"

"Your welcome" Maya pokes my side

"Thank you" I kiss her temple.

We made it to class and we both sat in our seats that were in the far back.

"You gotta forgive her" Maya speaks after a while. I stare at her like she's crazy.

Why would I forgive someone- someone that I thought I loved- that cheated on me with four guys. The crazy thing is, when I found her with one of the guys she asked if 'I wanted to join' what type of shit is that. I'll forgive her when hell freezes over. Yeah we talk and such, but it's always me being sarcastic and annoyed as she flirts her little ass off.

"Uhh... no thank you" I smile at her before taking my binder out my bag

"Well why not?" She grabs my shoulder and turns me back around to look at her

"Maya, she cheated on me with four,four guys" I hold up four fingers in front of her face "not uno, not dos, no tres,.....uh"

She rolls her eyes and chuckles "cuatro, remind me again how your passing Spanish class?" She raises her perfect eyebrow

I shrug " Antonio's in my class" she laughs but soon stops when the teacher walks in

"Class, we have a new student today so I want you to all be friendly and welcome him to chitwin" she turned to the door "come on in"

As soon as the new student walked in I groaned and slammed my head on the desk" for the love of God"

"This is our new student Gaven Santanga" the dumbass named Gavin smirked at everyone as he put his hands in his front pants pocket. You could here all of the girls whispering and giggling which made me snap my head towards Maya to see her reaction

I smiled as I looked at her. She was slumped down in her seat while stuffing Swedish fish into her mouth. She noticed me staring at her so she smiled and held the bag out to me

"Want some?"

My smile grew bigger as I watched her wiggle the bag in front of my face.

Maya was one beautiful girl. Her hazel eyes always shined, her long brown hair never messed up. Her skin smooth. Her lips plump and pink. Her eyebrows always furrowed in concentration-didn't matter what she was doing she always looked concentrated. She was just a picture perfect girl to me.

I've grown to really like Maya. Everyday she does something that makes me like her even more. I'm told by at least one person everyday that it's something more. And I'm starting to believe it. I'm starting to see a future with Maya.

I know, I know it's crazy. I'm in high school I shouldn't be thinking so far ahead, but I'm a senior I'm almost a adult I have to start thinking about stuff like this.

I can think about the future. I'll never know what the future holds though. But I'm praying to god it holds Maya in it.

"Hunter?" Maya whispers

I stare at her like an idiot longer

I'm brought out of my daze when she puts her hand on my cheek and rubs her thumb across my cheekbone "Hunter, you okay?" Concern laced in her voice

"I-uh... I'm fine" I shake my head "I'm okay." I give her a reassuring smile

She smiles back and nods" okay, you were on a whole other planet. I called your name like four times" she holds up one finger" not uno, not dos, no tres.... uhh" she mocks me, she makes her voice deeper so she sounded like me while making a goofy face

I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers " oh whatever" I roll my eyes

"I did good huh?.. your goofy personality is starting to rub off on me" she smiles while pulling another fish out the bag and sitting it between her teeth

I smirked and bit the end before she pulled it into her mouth completely "yup" I pop the p

"Hey" she wines

"What?!"I say innocently" you asked if I wanted one"

"Just hush it.... but just know you owe me" she points a finger at me

My eyes widen and I sat up straight " what why?! you asked if I wanted one"

"Well that's when I asked you, your time limit ran out when you went to planet Pluto" she puts her left elbow on the table, the one with our intertwined fingers. She put her head on our hands and looked down at her book

"That doesn't even-"

"You owe me Grady."

A light bulb goes off in my head and I leaned down to her ear with a smirk on my face

"How about a date?"

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