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Elijah's is just..... beautiful


Today is a dreadful Wednesday. It's been two days since Maya was put into the hospital. The doctors told us that the surgery went fine and that she was just resting. So we had nothing to worry about.

Since my mother was a nurse in the hospital, she would go and check on Maya for us when the other nurses won't let us in.

My mom and Mays's mom bounded over some things and became good friends. Mays's father took my dad out for a drink. They both needed to get their minds off of some stuff.

June-Mayas mom- asked me to go to her house and check on Elijah. He hasn't been staying in the hospital like everyone else. He says he doesn't want to see Maya like that. Laying down on the hospital bed waiting to wake up.

He took it pretty hard, but jaxon took it the hardest. He keeps telling himself she would be fine if he wouldn't have left the house with her.

I keep reminding him that what happened wasn't his fault and that no one would know that this would happen. I can tell he doesn't want to hear all of that, but he nods and gives me a forced smile every time.

I make it to the house and jog up the stairs to the porch. Right when I was about to put the key in the door -June gave it to me-. Someone placed their hand on my shoulder.

I turn around and see a bloody Leo with a gun in his hand.

"I need your assistance" he simply says

"What happened to you? Your bleeding..... everywhere" I motion around his body

"Not my blood now come on" he tries pulling me

"I have to check on Elijah hold on" I open the door " and go hide before someone sees you"

"Their my family, it will be okay if they see me" he shrugs

"Okay idiot first, you don't have your story together yet and you don't even know how they will react, and I wasn't worried about them. I was worried about.. oh I don't know the cops!! since you have a fucking gun in your hand like that's normal"

"Wait you don't-"

"Just explain everything to me when I get back" I wave him off and close the door behind me

I jog up the stairs and up to Elijah's room. I knock twice before he tells me to come in and I wish I hadn't

"Oh for fuck sake" I pull my hoodie on and cover my eyes with the edge of it

"Hey Hunter what are you doing here?"
Elijah laughs

"Could you guys put on some clothes" I tell Elijah and his sex buddy

"I have on clothes...... she doesn't" he chuckles "okay your good now"

I look up and see the girl glaring at me with her arms folded across her chest"why are you looking at me like that?" I glare back at her

"You ruined our fun" she huffs and stomps her foot like a child

"Awe life sucks doesn't it" I fake pout and run my finger down my cheek like a tear

"It does" she pouts and stomps her foot once again

Big ass baby

"Cry me river- anyway Eli you good? Your mom made me come check on you" I say while twirling the keys around my index finger

He looks down at his shirt and smiles before pulling it over his head " yeah dude I'm cool, but you" he points to the blonde baby" you may leave now"

"But we didn't get to-"

"Go" he nods towards the door

She glares at me one good time before stepping across the threshold " I don't have a ride"

I begin doing pull ups on the pull up bar attached to Elijah's closet door" we live in New York, ever heard of a cab"

"Jerk" she narrows her eyes at me

I laugh and jump down closing the door in her face. " okay now that the annoying child is gone, wanna go do something"

"Yeah sure, invite Owen I haven't seen that idiot in a while" he says while putting his shoes on

I call Owen and it rings once before he answers it " is she up?" Is the first thing he asks

"Nah, unfortunately, but me and Elijah are going out wanna come?"

"Okay cool, but remember we have practice today at..... seven to nine"

"Why so late?" I say while opening the door and walking down the hall

"Coach says the soccer team needed the field, and their practice ends at like six thirty so we were scheduled for seven"

"Alright,get ready we're on our way"

"Dope, bye" he says before ending the call

"Where's the other brothers" I ask Elijah after he locks the front door

"Antonio and Harry are  hanging out with tucker, and I'm guessing jax is still at the hospital" he says before I go around the car and get in

"Yeah he's still there" he nods " he says he's not leaving in-"  I'm cut off by my phone

Leo: I still need you, where are you going?

Damn I totally forgot about him

I look to Elijah and see him messing with the radio" hey I forgot something in the house I'll be back" he nods before I open the door and run inside the house

"Hello?" Leo answers the phone

"Go to the back yard I'm coming through the back doors"i hang up and slid the doors open and see Leo making his way in through the back yard gate

"Hurry, and explain." I walk up to him

"Okay so I found the gang that did it and it turns out to be micheals, the ones that have been after our gang for a while now, you know the sights-"

Did he say gang?

Did I hear gang?

"A gang? What the hell are you talking about a gang. Your in a gang? Maya got shot by a gang member? Leo the hell are you talking about?" I take a deep breath and step away From him

"Wait...you..you don't know about the boretta's, how the hell are you dating Maya then?" He shakes his head and tries to make sense out of this, when  the one that should be doing that is me

"What are the boretta's?" I cock my head to the side and shake my hands

"Hunter," he says slowly "my family's in a gang, more specific my family is a gang"

I look at him wide eyed and freeze in my spot. He could be lying. But he could be telling the truth. Everyone in Maya's  family is pretty buff. Maya and Mia can fight pretty well for girls. People were attacking jax. Maya's  father does wear suits all the time and has two guys that follow him around.

As I was thinking about everything. It started to all make since.

Holy shit, the corettas are a gang

"What the-"

"Hunter what's taking you so damn-" Leo looks behind me wide eyed, so I follow his gaze and see one confused looking elijah

Before it turns into anger" what the fuck?"

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