Chapter 2: New Purple Eyed, Scary Friend of Marissa's

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Leo looked around the room making everyone whisper and shuffle. He looked angry and scary. In fact even scarier when he was looking you in the eyes. I would know because we made eye contact, the fact that his eyes where bright purple made his glare even more intense and terrifying. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"You can sit anywhere you like." Mr. John smiled. I half expected the new kid to shove some kid out of his desk but instead he sat directly behind me. I could feel his icy glare bare into the back of my head.

"Hello! Do you believe in aliens?" Trust Marissa to be the first to talk to the scary new kid about aliens.

He looked surprised for a second "No." he spat.

"Well they are real." Marissa crossed her arms.

"How do you know?" he raised an eyebrow.

"There have been UFO sighting all over the world as far back as 329 BC." Marissa smirked. "And there are so many other galaxies, stars, and planets that it would be stupid to think other wise."

"Well then I guess they have to be real, right?" and that was the end of their debate. Just like that, it was weird how just he let her win. I kinda thought he was going to punch her or something(Not that she would let him).

"Finally, lunch." I mumbled as I grabbed my tray and headed toward my lunch table. I sat down and dug into food as I waited for Marissa to show up from her next class. I wasn't expecting to see her dragging the new kid along with her.

   "Heeeyo." She grinned as she sat on one side of me and motioned for Leo to sit on my other side. "He didn't have anywhere else to sit."

   "It's fine with me." I smiled even though he was really intimidating and I was scared I was going to be elbowed in the face or something.

   "So this is lunch?" he asked looking at his food.

   "Uh, yeah, it's not the best but I've been eating it for two years and I'm not dead yet." I laughed.

   "Oh." he said and took a bite. "It's pretty good, actually."

   "You like it?" Marissa asked. "Want mine?"

   "Yes, please." Marissa passed her tray over to him and he dug in.

   "So, where did you move from?" I asked to make conversation.

    "Ohio." he said once he swallowed a bite of food. I noticed this was the fist time I had seen him without a glare on his face.

    "Is it nice to there? I heard potatoes are better when it's snowing." Marissa leaned forward as if it would help any.

   "Potatoes?" I furrowed my brow. "Where did you hear that from?"

    "It's very nice there." Leo replied. "I'm not sure about the potato thing though."

   "Darn, well where do you live now?" I smacked her on the arm.

   "You can't just ask people where they live, you stalker." I scowled. She was always trying to get with the good looking guys.

   "I live on Southend street." he answered still focused on his food.

   "Ah, Are you wearing contacts?" Marissa continued to shoot questions and Leo eventually finished his food and his glare came back.

    "That's so cool that your eyes are naturally purple." Marissa sighed and placed her head in her hands.

    "Right. I need to go to my next class, goodbye." he began to leave but stopped and turned around,"Where is room 346?" he asked but glared at me.

   "Uh, I can show you if you want." I wasn't actually planing on showing him until Marissa shot me a glare and shoved me in his direction.

   "Yes, that would be very helpful." It came out sounding angry but I wasn't sure if it was suppose to.

   "I ship it." Marissa whispered causing me to roll my eyes as I headed out of the lunch room with Leo and his glare.

We didn't talk much but I was fine with that and the rest of the day went by pretty nicely considering I didn't mess anything up.

   "Hey mom." I said once I got home from school. Leo didn't seem to like me, or anyone, that much even though he seemed okay at lunch. I guess it can't be helped though.

   "How was school, dear?" She asked, her dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail to show off the deep brown eyes I had gotten from her, my hair was brown too but lighter and thicker.

   "It was fine. There is a new kid at school." I sat down my book bag and flopped down on the couch.

   "That's nice. You should bring him over one day." she smiled.

   "I don't think he likes me very much." I laughed at the thought of Leo sitting on the couch as far away from me as possible, his signature scowl on his face.

   "You just weren't trying hard enough than." My mom chuckled.

   "It might be because you're face is ugly." My dad chimed in from the kitchen.

   "Wow, thanks dad." I rolled my eyes but laughed anyways. Me and my parents where always making fun of each other, it was normal for us.

   I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels. Nothing on as usual, well that was what I thought until something on the news caught my eye. "Mom, Dad, look at this."

   "That's close to our house!" My mother cried and my dad rapped a comforting arm around her.

   "A meteorite had landed just on the outskirts of the small town of Renton. Luckily it landed in the woods and no civilians where harmed." The camera man was saying. That was really close to my house. How did no one notice until now?


   Second chapter, yay! Also I am planing on updating every Saturday. I am a very slow updater, but that is my goal. So I basically updated to talk about updating. XD Oh yeah, who likes Marissa? *raises hand* okay imma leave now byee.

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