Chapter 16: Mars Took a Left

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   "Uh, now what?" My best friend asked nervously as we pressed our backs as far against the wall as they would go even though the heard of guys were nowhere in sight.

   "Great question." I commented.

   I glanced over to Leo who was looking around at the walls and ceiling. I looked at them also, but there was nothing special about them other then the vent that was above our heads.


"That's genius!" I grinned at Leo, whose attention was kept on the vent.

Marissa was looking between the two of us then up to the vent. "That's great and all but how are we going to get up there before those guys catch up and find us?"

   "I'll lift you guys up and then jump up there myself." My best alien friend suggested.

"Sounds good to me." I agreed, just wanting to get away from the government guys.

"I wanna go first!" Marissa bounced up and down excitedly.

Leo nodded and jumped up to unscrew and pull off the cover of the vent. He knelled on to one knee and laced his fingers together. Marissa placed her left foot in his hands and he hoisted her up to the vent were she pulled herself in.

"You next shorty." Leo grinned and I rolled my eyes. I couldn't see how he could joke around at a time like this.

He got back into the same position and hoisted me up into the vent also. I was surprised it was big enough for us to fit honestly. I heard the many footsteps that notified us that they were catching up and Leo was behind me in seconds, putting the vent's cover back on as best as he could.

"Let us crawl." Marissa said from in front of me as she began to move. "Left or right?" She asked once we came across our first fork in the... vent.

"Lets go to the right because that sounds right." I laughed and I heard Leo complaining from behind me. I can't help that I am a hypocrite.

"So you can make jokes but I can't?" He grumbled.

"Not ones about my shortness." I smirked even though he couldn't see me.

We crawled in silence for what felt like four hundred hours and then the only reason someone spoke was because I sneezed.

"Ew, you nasty, you sneezed on my butt." Marissa accused me.

"No I didn't, I covered my mouth." I argued and slowed my crawling a bit.

"Shut up." Leo interrupted. "I think they heard us."

We all stopped moving at the same time, just sitting there in antagonizing silence. Of course I would be the one to get us caught. I held my breath and looked down below me where the ventilation system had a vent. Everyone below me was looking around with guns on the ready and it occurred to me that they never used their guns on us except on Marissa that one time. Isn't that strange...

Just then one of the guys looked up at the vent and I didn't duck down in time. "Crawl!" I shouted and shoved my best friend forward.

   Leo had barley passed over the vent before it was ripped from its hinges. "Faster!" He shouted.

   Marissa took a left turn and just as I was about to do the same some guy cut me off. He had come from the direction in from of me, but luckily he was the only one.

   "Mars!" I called for her but I knew if she stopped she would be caught. I shoved the guy in front of me to the right as hard as I could on all fours and set off strait again.

   I saw another vent and without hesitation I put all my body weight on it. It collapsed under me and gravity hurtled me toward the ground below. I landed with a thud and I let out a groan. I heard a yell and rolled over just in time to see Leo land perfectly on his alien feet.

   "We have to keep moving." He pulled me up and started running, dragging me behind him. 

   I think I dislocated my shoulder from the fall but there was nothing I could do about it at the time, so I kept running. We took several lefts and rights. We went in and out of different rooms that had God knows what in them. Eventually Leo grabbed me by my waist and did an alien thing that ended with us on the ceiling.

   "How did you do that?" I whispered frantically. His arm was still rapped tightly around my waist.

   "I can jump high and I can stick to things?" He raised an eyebrow, "Because I'm a ninja."

   We watched as all of the people ran underneath us and out of sight, their foot steps getting fading as they made their way out of sight. Now all I could think about was my human best friend and how we were going to find her.


Over 200 reads! Thanks so much for all the support through out this story, I know it isn't the best and that there are much better books out there. I also know that out of all the awesome books you could be reading you are reading this one, so thank you! Here is chapter 16 a bit early!

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