Chapter 33: Humber Bumber

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Mark's POV

"I'm hangry." Mars yelled dramatically and leaned on Lyler.

"Hangry?" Leo and Lyler asked in unison causing me to laugh and Mars to sigh really loud.

"It's when you're so hungry it makes you angry."

"I could use some food also." I voiced as my stomach rumbled in agreement and I looked at Leo expectantly.

"And what do you expect me to do about it?" He raised an eyebrow and I pouted at him.

"You're my boyfriend, you're suppose to get me food. I like you, you like me, so you get me food." I said in a voice that said it should have been obvious.

"I'm your wh-" He was cut off when the other alien dude walked in from another room.

"We need to drop these humans off to their dwellings." he started, "But of course we will need to erase their memories first."

   "What?" Mars and I said simultaneously. I didn't want my memories of Leo erased. That would mean when he went back to his home planet I wouldn't remember him and I would never get to see him again.

   "Boss, we can't do that." Leo frowned and pulled me closer to him, rapping an arm around my shoulders.

   "You know it must be done."

"No. You just assume they're going to walk around yelling that we exist." Leo rolled his eyes, "They aren't stupid and they aren't her."

"You don't know that. They could have already told." The alien crossed his greenish arms over his chest.

Leo turned to me with a look of determination, "Have you told anyone about me or Lyler being not of your world?"

"No." I answered without hesitation. He told me not to the first time I found out about him and I knew the government would force their way into if they found out so of course I wouldn't tell anyone.

Leo turned back to the other extraterrestrial and straightened his shoulders. "See?" Before his boss could answer he turned to Mars. "How about you Marissa?"

"Of course not, I may be crazy but I'm not stupid." She huffed and leaned back against the wall.

He then turned back to his boss and cocked his head to the side a little. "See Humber? They haven't told and they don't plan on telling."

"They could be lying, Leo. Humans do that a lot. You can't trust any of them." Humber took a menacing step forward causing me to unintentionally take a step back.

   "Just because you decided to trust her without getting to know her first and it backfired on you doesn't mean I did the same thing!" Leo's voice slowly rose until he was shouting.

   "They are all the same!" His boss shouted back, getting closer and closer until they were only a couple inches apart. Leo took his arm from around my shoulders and pushed me behind him protectively.

   "No they're not! Stop making your bad decisions ruin my life!" Leo was breathing heavily by then, "Me blowing a huge crater in Mars was a better decision then the one you made!"

   That did it. In one aggressive movement Humber pushed Leo to the ground and grabbed me by my upper arm. I let out a cry at the surprising pain that shot through my arm from his angry grip. Before I knew it he had Mars too and he was dragging us into a room and slamming the door shut.

   "I won't let him make the same mistake as me." He mumbled as he fiddled furiously on a hologram thing.

   "Mars..." I whispered turning my head to look at her. Bangs and curses came from the other side of the door.

   "Yeah?" She asked, just as quietly.

   "Is it just me or is this scarier than that government- but- not- government facility?" I questioned as we backed up completely against the door. I could feel the vibrations coming from Leo and Lyler trying to get through.

   "A bit- yeah." She mumbled.

"You." Humber pointed a vexed finger at me, "You're going first."

I gulped and took a shaky breath but I didn't move. There was no way I was letting some alien dude take away my wonderful memories of Leo and all the crap we had been through.

"You got guts little one." He laughed bitterly, "too bad you won't remember much of it later."

"Suck that you're two feet taller than me and weigh twice as much as me." I held my head up in attempt to hid my fear.

"Why is that?" He asked, amusement in his blue alien eyes, "You gonna bite my ankle?"

"I might." And before my brain could stop my movements I lunged forward.

The alien tried to grasp me but I slid under his legs with ease. By the time he had turned his self around I had already made it to his side and stuck my leg out. He tripped over it and stumbled forward and to make sure he fell I used a front kick to his back to send him landing on his face.

"Well that was easier than I had expected."

Sorry for such a laaaaate delay. I was procrastinating... a lot. I thought I was going to make it my last chapter but as I wrote I realize I couldn't fit all the information in it soooo... I ended up procrastinating even longer, but alas here it is! After a lot of music and talking myself up I finally wrote this chapter.

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