Chapter 6: Friday

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Leo's pov

  "Will you help me get my ship back?" I watched as Marks face turned from suspicion to shock.

"What?" He asked. This is one of the many reason I strongly dislike humans, they can't process the most simplest things.

"I said, will you help me get my ship back?" I asked a bit more aggressively than I meant to.

    "Do I have too?" He frowned.

   "Well, I thought since we are friends-" I began but was cut off, much to my disliking.

    "We're friends?" Mark asked enthusiastically.

   "Yes." I nodded, earning a grin from Mark. "So is that a yes?"

   "Can I have some time to think about it?" He bit his lip.

   So I waited... For about ten seconds. "Have you decided yet?"

   "When I said some time I-" he sighed, "Sure."

   "Good." I smiled at him.

    "Boys, dinner is ready." Mark's mother called from the kitchen.

Dinner was nice. Mark's parents where very happy to meet me and kept telling stories that made Mark's face go red. It was cute the way he would get embarrassed and it kind of made me want to...hug him? I don't know. After that I left, I needed to figure out a plan considering the government had moved my ship and it had all my weapons in it.

"Heeeyo, Leeeo!" Marissa, Mark's strange friend, grinned at me as I sat down at my desk diagonal to hers.

"Hey." I said as I pulled out my... Folder? No, binder, that's what it's called. Jeez, the humans with their weird names.

"MARK!" Marissa screamed. I looked up along with a few other students to see a startled Mark.

"Heyo, Mars." He teased her.

   "Oh, shut up Marcy." She smirked. Mike rolled his eyes until they landed on me.

   "Hey Leo." He smiled.

   "Hey." I replied. I was glad he didn't act different around me since he found out. He was one of the few humans I could stand on this planet, and that was saying a lot.

    "Did you do the homework?" He asked his friend.

   "Nooo." She groaned and they both turned to look at me. I sighed and got out my fully completed homework for them to copy. Humans.

   "Hey, do you guys want to come over today and hang out? It is Friday." Mark asked as he munched on some kind of sandwich. I was getting pretty use to the food here. In fact it was really good. I really like their pastas. When I was eating it it was like I was in a trance.

   "Yessss." Marissa grinned, "It's sooo boring at my house."

   "What about you Leo?" He looked over at me.

    "Sure." I replied casually, I needed to tell him the plan anyways. Through out the day I couldn't get my mind off of my ship. Humber was really going to get it when I got back to Saturn.

   I can't believe he sent me to Earth. Earth of all planets! I knew he hated me but... These humans where rude, annoying, selfish, self centered, I could go on all day. To make it worse my parents agreed to sending me to Earth as punishment.

"Hey, Leo you alright? You look kinda...pale?" Mark unexpectedly placed a hand on my forehead. I hadn't even realized he was there.

"Woah," I said backing away. When his hand touched my forehead and it left tingles running through my body.

   "Sorry." Mark frowned. "You sure you're okay?"

   "Yeah just... ready to get out of here." I wasn't completely lying. I hated this planet.

   "Okay, we just got to wait for Mars." He offered a small smile.

    "Heeeeeyo, Leeeeeo!" Marissa came running down the hallway and almost tackled Mark with a hug. "And Mark." She laughed.

   "You ready to go?" He asked after steadying himself.

   "Yeps, I got a potato for your dad." She held out the potato for him to inspect.

    "So your dad wasn't lying." I smirked and Mark laughed and shook his head.

   "What?" Marissa asked, looking in between the two of us and then her eyes went wide.

   "Wait!" She screeched. "Leo has been to your house?"

   "Uh, yeah." Mark said as he headed out of the school with us fallowing behind him.

   "Ooh." A evil smile found its way onto her face.

   "Oh, shush." Mark rolled his eyes at her.

   "His parents like me." I smiled because I knew what she was thinking and wanted to help torment Mark.

   "That's great!" Marissa grinned as we headed down the road toward Mark's house.

   "His mom told me about his baby pictures." I smirked.

   "SHE DID?" Marissa practically jumped on top of Mark, much to my amusement.

   "Oh, both of you need to shut up." Mark snapped but his face was red.

   "Did she tell you ab-" Marissa was cut off.

    "Oh look my house!" Mark yelled and took off sprinting towards it at full speed. Me and Marissa smirked at each other as we headed toward his house after him.

Okay, so this chapter was just so you could get a taste of Leo's personality. It was pretty boring, I know, but it has to happen so the next chapter can be exiting! So please bare with me.

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