Chapter 15: Cornered

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   At first I thought Leo had a twin but when I looked closer I found many differences. Like their eyes, Leo's were purple while the other's were a dark pink. I didn't have any time to look closer because seconds after Leo had cut his sentence short a bullet skimmed Marissa's shoulder causing her to cry out and swivel around along with Leo and me.

   "Marissa!" I began to head toward her but was cut short when I barely dodged a fist aimed at my face.

   I turn to my right just in time for the second fist to make contact with my jaw.  I use the momentum of the punch to power the spinning heal kick I send to the girl's side. She fell to the ground with a thud. I was about to aim another kick at her when Marissa came out of nowhere and the two began to go at it like there was no tomorrow.

   Three guys decide to team up on Leo and me. They all came charging, heading right at us. "I got the big one if you take the other two." Leo shouted over his shoulder to me and I nodded in response.

"Fight me, you rotten potato!" I heard my best friend scream. I didn't have time to check out why she was screaming because I was kind of trying not to die at the moment.

The first guy came charging straight at me like a bull, I swear I even heard him grunt. I side stepped him and almost got hit by the second guy's side hook aimed at my head. The first guy caught me off guard by shoving me into the second guy who grabbed both of my arms and spun me around so I was facing the other.

He wasted no time and started throwing punches left and right. He was about to throw his fifth punch but at the last moment I ducked down and his fist went flying into his teammate's face causing his grip to loosen on me just enough for me to struggle free.

"Mark, we need to get out of here." I heard Leo yell followed by a loud groan.

I took that as my cue and used all my strength to grab both guy's heads and slam them together. Not enough to kill them but enough for them to be out cold for at least a couple hours. I took this chance to look over to Marissa who was sitting on the floor criss cross, having a calm conversation with one of the military guys like it was an everyday thing.

"So you really are working on making potato bushes a thing?" She asked seriously, like talking to a guy from the military who was suppose to be our enemy about potato bushes was normal.

"Yeah, it would make them easier to collect and one plant could hold more than one potato, therefore making it more efficient." The guy answered back just as seriously and Marissa nodded in thought.

"Mars!" I yelled over to her and she looked over to me, an annoyed expression on her face.

"What?" She sneered, "I'm trying to have a decent conversation about potatoes."

   "We are kinda trying to not die at the moment." I raised my eyebrows and nodded toward the doorway which had a bunch of people running toward it.

   "Oh crap, I forgot." She stood up quickly, "Sorry Carl." She apologized right before she knocked him over the head with a potato.

   "Okay, let's go."

   We all headed for the door and dodged the herd of scary people by a few feet. We turned left without slowing down. I glanced behind me to see the herd right on our tail.

"Where are we going?" I asked my friends.

   "Away from them!" Marissa pointed to the guys behind us as she sped up.

   "That's sounds like a really great place." I agreed.

   The more we ran the more they seemed to catch up and it was making me nervous. We were turning lefts and rights even though we had no idea where the corridors led. To be honest, it probably was one of our less brighter ideas because eventually we ran right into a dead end, the only good thing is that we lost them for a moment.

It Christmas Eve!! Marry Christmas everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday break and stuff. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me so far, all the way to chapter 15. Byee.

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