Chapter 3: It's a U-F-Uh-Oh

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(I fixed it so there aren't any spoilers)

We were not allowed to go anywhere near where the huge space rock had landed. It was like a spaceship had crash landed and the government was up and ready to dissect some poor aliens. I wonder if that's really how the government thinks, I bet it is.

   Either way I wanted to see what they where hiding, space rock or not. So I decided that night when I was laying in my bed that I was going to find out. I was going to be a rebel teen and sneak out. I pulled on a shirt and some shoes and climbed out of my window. The cool night air hit me and I shivered as I landed on the ground below my bedroom window.

   I should have brought a jacket, but I was already at the edge of the woods by the time the thought had come to mind. I looked up at the stars and took a deep breath. Once I was ready I headed into the woods as quietly as I could. It didn't take long to find the spot considering there where so many men in uniforms holding guns surrounding the entire area. I crouched behind a bush and tried to peer through it. It was hard to get a good look, for there where many trees, other bushes, and people in my way.

   For just a second I got a glimpse of the object the government was hiding, and it definitely was not a meteorite. It was a... a Spacecraft. It was kind of silver looking and saucer shaped. It looked like a classic UFO you would see on TV but fancier. Before I could even turn around to run back home someone's hand slipped in front of my mouth and muffled my yelp. Another arm rapped around my stomach and pulled me backwards. I was positive some government army guy had caught me and I was going to be tortured and killed.

   "What are you doing here?" The new kid hissed at me. I could barely see him in the dim lighting.

   "I- what are you doing here?" I whispered back in shock.

   "That is none of your business." He glared at me through the darkness.

   "Then I don't have to tell you what I'm doing here either." I huffed.

  "Fine, whatever." Leo signed, "Let's get out of here. They are going to be moving the-."

   "Spaceship." I interrupted his sentence.

   "You saw it?" He asked.

   "Yeah. It was a real spaceship! That's so close to my house, but I didn't see any bodies, so they either already moved them or there is a real alien running around here." I whisper yelled.

   "Shh, you're going to get us caught. Now let's get out of here." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along behind him as we ducked out of sight and headed back out of the woods.

   But me being the dorky klutz I am I fell, and when I say fell, I mean I went down like an elephant that had been shot with a sleeping dart. I heard Leo sigh in frustration.

  "Really?" He mumbled as shouts came from the mini Area 51.

   My heart rate speed up as he yanked me up and and began to sprint through the trees and bushes dragging me behind him. As the guys began to catch up I noticed that Leo had a look on his face that said he was making a decision. After one of the guys was so close he could almost grab my foot Leo seemed to make up his mind.

   "Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to." He told me over his shoulder. I was about to question him but he shot one of his glares at me and I squeezed my eyes closed. I felt his arms rap around me and then we where moving faster. I could feel the wind beating against my face. The shouts got further and further away until I couldn't hear them anymore.

    "You can open your eyes now." Leo let go of me and when I opened my eyes we weren't in the woods anymore, we where in my back yard.

   "Wha- how did you-" he cut my stuttering off with a wave of his hand.

   "I'm a ninja." He smirked.

   "I'm not sure if I should believe you or not." I squinted at him. I mean what other explanation was there for how fast he moved? 

   "Believe me or don't I don't care." He laughed. His laugh was very nice, I could listen to it all day. I was going to say something but when I looked up he was already gone. Weird. Seriously, how did he move that fast?

   Reality didn't set in on me until I crawled back into my bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. I fell asleep with troubled thoughts of the spaceship and Leo in mind.

   I bet you'll never guess whose spaceship it is! XD it's pretty obvious though. Anyways, I updated as promised! Now I just have to keep it up. Byee!

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