Chapter 8: Alien Jokes

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                    Mark's pov
"Hey Leo, what do call an alien spaceship that goes from planet to planet to planet?" Marissa asked eagerly.

    "I don't know," Leo groaned as he placed his head in his hands, "What?"

"A UF-hoe!" Marissa burst out laughing and Leo just groaned louder.

"Mark, make her stop, please." Leo looked over to me desperately.

"I would if I could, but I can't so I shan't." I laughed causing Leo to glare at me.

Marissa started making alien jokes the second she found out about Leo and he was not happy about it at all.

"Leo, what do aliens like to read?" This time she didn't wait for a reply, "Comet books!" Leo groaned louder.

"If you make one more alien joke I am going to-" Leo's outburst was cut off by our history teacher walking into the classroom.

"Good morning class." Leo huffed and flopped back in his seat to glare at me.

"What did I do?" I asked in a whisper out of earshot of the teacher.

"You could have stopped her and you know it." He kept his glare strong.

"Yeah, I could have." I smirked and leaned back in my seat.

"You just wait till lunch." He growled and I gulped. What have I done? Well, I will tell you what I have done, I've made the alien mad.

The class before lunch was science, the class I always screw something up in. We where using test tubes today.  I had to carry one over to my partner and me, being the clumsy dork I am, tripped over my own feet and landed face first on the floor, test tub still in hand. I am lucky the glass didn't cut me. So long story short, my nice white shirt is now covered with a blue stain.

"Hey guys." I plopped my tray down and sighed.

   "Hey mar- woah nice shirt bruh." Marissa laughed. "What happened?"

   "Science happened." I muttered. "Like always."

   "You should change then, you dork." Marissa nudged me with her shoulder.

   "I would if I had clothes to change into." I huffed. I didn't have gym so I didn't see the point in bringing them but now I was fully regretting my decision.

"You can borrow mine." Leo spoke up for the first time since I had sat down.

"Are you sure?" I squinted at him, remembering what he had said in history class. I don't exactly fancy getting beat up.

"Yeah, you look even dumber than usual." He looked up from his food.

"Wow thanks." I rolled my eyes, "You sure you aren't gonna beat me up?" I was still suspicious about it but I really wanted to change out of this stupid shirt.

   "I'm sure. Come on then." I didn't even realize he had gotten up. I got up too and followed him out of the cafeteria. "I have an extra shirt in my locker." He said as he came to a stop at a locker I was assuming was his.

    "Uh, thanks." I said as he opened his locker and pulled out a black shirt and tossed it at me. I looked around the hallway real quick to make sure no one else was walking around and pulled off my shirt. I let it drop to the floor so I could put on the one Leo was letting me borrow.

   I picked up my shirt and turned to Leo. His face was slightly red and I wondered if he was coming down with something. "Hey, Leo, you okay?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled and averted his gaze from me.

"Tomorrow is the last day before spring break." I thought out loud.

   "Yeah it is." Leo nodded, "I figured out where they are keeping my ship."

   "Really? How?" My eyes widened. I knew he wasn't human but still... finding a hidden base must have been hard, even for him, right?

   Leo only smirked, "Aliens secret."

   "Fair enough." I agreed. "We need to tell Mars the plan."

"Tomorrow after school you guys can come over to my house and we'll get everything settled." Leo suggested.

   "That sounds good." I agreed as we started heading back to the lunch room.

When we got there Marissa had eaten all of her food and over half of mine. "Glad I wasn't hungry." I mumbled as I sat down and looked over to Leo's plate whose was still as he left it before. He saw me looking and smirked.

   "She knows not to mess with mine." Marissa nodded her head in agreement.

   "Last time I ate some of his food I thought he was going to bomb the school out of anger." She grabbed the biscuit off of my plate and bit a chunk out of it. "I know you won't hurt me, even if you could."

   "I could put you on the floor before you could even say 'potato bush'." I glare at her.

   "Suuure you could." She rolled her eyes and continued eating my food and I let her because she is my best friend but not because I couldn't beat her if I wanted to.

   "By the way, the break is coming up and you guys need to come over so I can explain the plan." Leo spoke up.

   "Okay." Me and Marissa spoke in unison. We ate in silence for a while until Marissa started up her alien jokes again.

   "Hey Leo. What do aliens serve their food on?" A grin was slowly finding its way upon her face.

   "No." Leo let out a groan. "Not again."

   "FLYING SAUCERS." She practically screamed causing a couple of people to turn around in surprise. Leo groaned and bang his head on the cafeteria table. 

   "Mark make her stop." He demanded but I was to busy laughing. I wondered if Marissa would ever run out of jokes.

HEY GUYS, I got a question. Do you want another chapter in Leo's pov? I've only done one so far and was just wandering if it sounded any good... Welp that's all I really got to say so byeee!

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