Chapter 31: Jinxed

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Leo's POV
   "Mark? Mark!" I yanked my belt off and stumbled over to my friend's side. There was some blood dripping from the back of his head and I knew he was unconscious but not dying.

   "Marissa, Lyler, you guys okay?" I waited for a response, never leaving Mark's side.

   "Uh, yeah we good." Marissa's voice made its way into my ears, "I think Lyler's wrist is sprang or something though."

   I unbuckled Mark and picked him up and into my arms. He was much lighter now that I actually tried to pick him up fully. I carried him into the back of my ship where Lyler and Marissa ended up after the crash.

   "Is Mark okay?" She had a worried look on her face.

   "Yeah, he hit his head is all." I unconsciously pulled him closer to me.

   "Do you think Dorian's little minions will come after us?" Lyler gripped Marissa's hand and I saw a hint of a smile form on Mars' lips.

   "Probably not but we need to get out of wherever we are." I would have ran my hands through my hair but that would have meant I would have to put down Mark which wasn't going to happen.

  "But what about your ship?" Lyler asked. 

   "I guess we'll have to... leave it." My poor ship, it was destroyed. It pained me to even have to think of leaving it behind. 

   "My head is gonna explode." Mark groaned and snuggled farther into my chest, his hands gripping my shirt.

   "Mark!" Marissa and I exclaimed in unison. He groaned and opened his eyes a little.

   "Why are you guys being so loud. It's hurting my head." He whispered.

   "Sorry." I frowned.

   "We're just glad you're not dead you know." Marissa laughed, "That would suck."

   Suddenly Mark's face began to turn a dark red and he let go of my shoulders. "Leo you can put me down now."

   "Oh, of course." I helped him to the ground carefully. "How's your head feeling?"

   He placed a hand on my shoulder to steady himself, "It feels like I just got hit by a bus head first," He groaned, pulling his hand off of my shoulder and reaching to grab my hand. He looked up at me with a look that was asking if it was okay. I responded by closing the space in between our hands and interlacing our fingers. 

Mark's POV

   I went to grab Leo's hand but stopped to make sure he was okay with it. I had barely made eye contact with him before he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, causing my face to heat up slightly. 

   "Leo and Mark sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Mars sung and Lyler attempted to hold in snickers from beside her. 

   "Shut up Mars." I huffed in embarrassment and tightened my grip on Leo's hand. "How are we going to get out of here?" I asked to change the subject.

   "What a great question Marcy. We were just discussing the topic while you were unconscious." Marissa rapped her arm around Lyler's shoulders.

   "Great, and did you figure anything out?" I raised an eyebrow.

   "Nope." She gave me a lopsided grin. I couldn't figure out how she could be so cheery after we fell out of the sky and almost died.

   "Well we aren't going to figure it out just standing around in my poor destroyed ship." Leo tugged me in the direction of one of the large broken windows that shattered from the impact of the crash. "Be careful climbing on the broken glass."

   Leo helped me through first and followed after me. Mars then Lyler helped each other after us. We looked around the ship for a couple minutes to grab any quick supplies we might need like food, water, weapons, anything useful and light. 

   "The sun will be going down soon." I frowned and pulled my bag higher up on my shoulder. Being out in the middle of the woods that were out in the middle of nowhere with the sun going down didn't exactly sit well with me. 

   "Don't worry it isn't like there are wolves out here or anything." Mars laughed nervously.

   "You better knock on wood," I said breathlessly. There was a howl somewhere from my right, "I'm pretty sure you just jinxed us."


   Haroo! Chapter 31 is on time. I'm pretty sure. Today is Saturday right? Whatever, I'm sure it is. Anyway, I think I'll be bringing this story to an end soon. Thank you to all of you who have been reading and voting on my chapters. It really means a lot to me. You guys are great.

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