Chapter 12: Freaking Tunnels

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Mark's pov
"Why is this tunnel so long?" Marissa asked as she stood panting slightly along with Leo and me.

"I don't know Marissa, why don't you go and ask some of the guys trying to kill us why on earth this stupid tunnel is so long." I snapped, then realizing what I did, I apologized. The nerves had started to really get to me. I hate freaking tunnels.

"It's fine." Marissa frowned and moved her flashlight to the floor.

   "They didn't follow us down here." Leo observed as we began down the tunnel, this time walking.

   "What if this really isn't an entrance? Or what if it is and they are waiting for us on the other side?" Marissa fixed the strap of her potato launcher that had begun to fall.

   "I don't know." Leo sighed. We had been running down this tunnel for at least six minutes and there have been no turns or openings. Nothing that looked promising.

"They used this tunnel when I was watching them." He ran a hand through his hair. "They could have known I was watching them."

"So should we go back?" I questioned. He was silent for a moment.

"No, that's probably what they want us to do." He sped up, "But they are probably prepared for us either way we choose, they had us trapped once we entered this tunnel."

I let that sink in. They had us trapped once we entered this tunnel. He said it so calmly, like it was normal. Like there where no guys in army suits holding semi automatic guns on the ready. He said it more like there were fluffy cats waiting for us instead. Oh how I wish they were fluffy cats.

It didn't take long after that before we found another trap door. This one looked slightly bigger than the one we had entered before hand. Once we were close enough to see the rungs of the latter leading to the top we all stopped and shared nervous looks.

"Well," Marissa whispered, "Whose going first?"

   "I'll go." I offered sounding brave even though on the inside I was crying like a baby.

"No, I'm going first." Leo said in a stern voice and headed toward the stairs before Marissa or I could argue.

We watched anxiously as he climbed his way up to the trap door above us. Once he got to the top he hesitated for a split second before he shoved open the door and jumped into the light. I waited for some shouting or fighting but all that came was Leo's voice.

"Hey," it was in a whisper, "It's clear to come up."

I let Marissa go first to make sure no one came up from behind and then made my own way out of the musky tunnel. Leo grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. I looked around, turning in a small circle.

"Well..." Marissa trailed off. The room was completely white. There were three different doors each on its own wall. There was no furniture, windows, or anything other than the doors.

"What now?" I asked, knowing that it was the same question Marissa was going to ask.

"We each go to a door and see if it's locked." Leo was already heading toward the door in front of us. I went right and Mars headed left.

The doors had little windows at the tops of them but of course I was too short to see through mine. I jiggled the handle and shoved the door lightly. Nothing happened.

"Mine is locked!" I called over to my two friends.

"So is mine!" Marissa called back.

"Mine too." Leo was looking through the window of his door. "Mine leads to a cellar it looks like."

Marissa looked through her window. "Mine just leads to another room with no doors. What about yours Mark?"

"I'm too short." I mumbled and looked at the ground.

"Of course you are." Marissa laughed and I saw Leo trying hard not to do the same.

"Really guys? We could die at any second and you're going to laugh about my shortness?" I frowned and tried to see by getting on my tiptoes. No luck. I sighed and looked over to Leo who was on his way over to me.

"I got you." He smirked and looked through the window. "Yours leads to a hallway. I think yours is the best choice."

"Okay, want me to open it?" I asked.

"How are you gonna do that?" He gave me an incredulous look.

"I'm going to ram into it." I said and before he could object I stepped back a few and headed full speed aiming my shoulder for the door. When my shoulder made contact I felt a sharp pain as I flew forward along with the door. I landed on the floor with a thud.

"I got it open." I said as I laid on the ground holding my shoulder.

Chapter 12! Okay so my last update was a little early. I may or may not have thought it was Saturday and got up at six am to finish and publish it. *Cue nervous laughter* but that meant that you guys got the chapter earlier so that's a win for you. That's all I had to say, byee!

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