Chapter 26: Unexpected

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Mark's POV
I watched as Leo opened the heavy door that lead to our escape. I knew who was in there before he even pushed the door opened enough to see him.

"'s Dorian." I huffed, "It's a trap."

   Leo glanced back at me. "I know." He continued opening the door until it stood wide open.

   To all of our surprise, no one was standing in front of us with a creepy grin. After a hesitant look around, Leo made his way with me through the door. He moved slowly, like it would make a difference if he came in with caution or if he strutted in like he owned the place.

We had barley made it through the door when Leo suddenly pushed me to the ground and shielded me with his body. Not a moment later the sound of an ear ringing explosion followed by a wave of air, debris, and heat forced Leo and me back a couple of feet. I yelped in pain when I landed on my arm. My entire body already hurt all over and landing on my arm didn't help much.

   "Mark, are you okay?" I looked up to see Leo's face only inches away from mine and even thought there was just an explosion, I had a sudden urge to place my lips to his. Quickly shaking the thought from my head I nodded.

   "Yeah, I'm fine." It sounded weird to my ringing ears.

   "Marissa, Lyler, you guys alright?" Leo looked behind me but didn't move from his spot next to me.

   "Yeah, we good." Mars grinned at us. Lyler pushed himself to his feet and gave a thumbs up before helping Marissa to hers as well.

   "Mark, can you stand?" Leo grabbed my hand and began to stand.

   "I've been doing it all day...kinda." I attempted a laugh as he helped me to my feet and when he did, he didn't let go of my hand. The act made my heart speed up even more than the actual explosion did.

   "Awe, isn't that sweet." A voice echoed through out the open room and a figure shaped and made its way through the smoke in front of us. "The human falls in love with the alien. How cliché." There was an echo of laughter.

   Leo's grip tightened on my hand. I looked over to see his face contorted in anger. Marissa and Lyler came to stand beside me. Mars had her launcher at the ready and Lyler had a fire extinguisher... I wasn't really sure when or how he got it.

   "What an odd pair of 'friends'." The figure chuckled. "I'm surprised you managed to make it this far, especially you Mark. The damage I did to you, well you should be dead."

   "Yeah, well, I'm to dumb to die." I coughed weakly.

   "That's true." Marissa nodded her head from beside me.

   "And you Leo. Even if I can't figure out what species you are." The figure stepped out of the smoke and into view. "I can at least keep you to dissect, just like I did to the other one." Dorian's laughter sent a chill down my spine as an image of the alien in the tank flashed through my mind.

   I barely had time to react, it happened so fast. Leo released my hand and within seconds he was on top of Dorian. At least a dozen people stepped out of the smoke, the door behind me slammed shut, and Marissa started launching potatoes at on coming targets. I also saw Lyler decking people in the face with his fire extinguisher.

   "Leo!" I struggled to find the strength to walk without a crutch. I knew Dorian, he didn't play by the rules.

   In fact, I'm not sure he knew what rules were. I watched as Leo struck him to the ground and just as he was about to kick him a guy behind him lifted his fist. I launched myself at the guy with all of my force.

Leo's POV
Dorian grunted as he hit the ground. I pulled my foot back and prepared to kick the crap out of him but a loud scream caught me off guard. I whipped my head around and saw Mark on top of one of the guards punching him in the face harder then I thought a boy with a broken rib and twisted ankle could.

"GET OFF ME YOU ROTTEN POTATO!" Marissa screamed from somewhere in the mess.

It was to late when I noticed I had let my guard down. Dorian took the advantage to kick my feet from out under me. I fell with a grunt and rolled out of the way before his fist collided with my face. I tried to push myself up but Dorian tackled me back to the ground.

"For an alien you're pretty weak." He grinned evilly.

   "For a dude your pretty ugly." I glared up at him. I had heard Marissa use the insult before and for some reason it was the first thing to come to my mind.

   His grin quickly turned into a scowl. "You think you're funny."  He pushed both of my arms above my head and grabbed a gun I hadn't noticed before and placed it against my head. The room went eerily quiet and I was almost positive everyone could hear how fast my heart was beating.

Nine hundred words! I'm really proud of this chapter to be honest. It's the longest, most interesting, and quickest chapter I have ever written... EVER!! Okay anyways, this is chapter 26. Hope you like it. (I bet your favorite part is the cliffhanger) I still plan on updating this Saturday but you never know. That's all, byeee.

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