Chapter 20: Breaking Out

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Mark's POV

"Tell me were the alien is from!" Dorian shouted and slammed his fist on to the wooden table in front of him causing me to flinch.

"I told you," I coughed, "I don't know."

"Oh, but I believe you do." He was in front of me in seconds and his fist connected with the side of my face. Pain exploded through my cheek and a grunt found its way to my lips.

Dorian had tried to get me to rat out Leo, to tell him what planet he was from. He claimed the government had only wanted to know what other planets had life. When I wouldn't tell him he decided that beating me would get some answers so here I am in a dark room tied to a chair with some guy crazier than Mars yelling and beating the crap out of me. I only hoped this wasn't happening to Leo and Marissa too.

"I told you," I growled as I leaned up to meet his eyes, "Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you."

"Boy, I am done playing games. If you think that's gonna cut it," He paused to laugh, "Than you've got another think coming." With that he walked back over to the table and picked up a switch blade.

Leo's POV

I watched as Mark attempted to fight off the two guards, just to get caught in the end. In an act of panic I began to slam my fist against the glass in front of me. Of course, nothing happened. I looked up in time to make eye contact with mark's scared eyes and said Don't worry as Dorian yanked him down another hallway. There had to be a way out of this stupid cell.

I looked around the room in search for some way to get out when I heard thumping. It was coming from the wall form my left. I walked over to it and placed my ear to it, the thumping got louder.

"Leo, I know you can hear my tapping with your super alien hearing." It was Marissa, "Can you hear my voice?"

"Yeah, I can barley." I said, my ear still placed against the wall. There was a loud screech followed by Marissa's voice.

   "Great! We need to find a way out before what's-his-face hurts Mark." Her voice was rushed and urgent.

   "I know, but I can't figure out how to get out. Any suggestions?" I asked.

   She was silent for a moment before she answered, "We could wait until the guards come to get one of us. Once they open the door that person can take them down and open the other's cell door."

   "Sounds like a plan to me." It's the only chance we had, there is no way I was going to lose Mark. I was the one who got him and Marissa into this mess anyways.

   It didn't take very long for some guards to walk up to my cell. They carried out a normal conversation as they took their time typing in the code that made the cell door open. Once they finally finished typing in the stupid code the door slid opened with ease.

   "Finally," I sighed dramatically, "My heart beats faster than your fingers can type." I was on top of the first guy before I finished my sentence.

   I grabbed the guy and slammed him against the wall. I could sense the other guard before he made it to me. I turned around and grabbed him by the throat and chunked him down the hall were he scrambled to get up mumbling something along the lines of 'I didn't sign that waver just to get beaten up by aliens' as he ran down the hall. I turned around and held my bracelet to Marissa's cell keypad and let it hack the door system. The door was just opening when sirens began to go off and red lights began flashing.

    "Come on Marissa, we have to find Mark." I grabbed her wrist and began to run the direction I saw Dorian drag Mark, but Marissa pulled back. "What's wrong?"

   "We are going to look for Lyler also, right?" She asked.

   "Of course," I promised, "But Mark first."


Sorry for the late update guys. I have had a rough week and it took all of my brain capacity to get this chapter out today, but chapter 20 has made it!   





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