Chapter 5: The Alien Needs My Help?

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   "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Leo snapped as I lead him into the bathroom.

   "You- you're flickering." I stumbled over my words.

   "I'm wha-" Leo abruptly turned to the nearest mirror. "Space balls. Why now?" He held up his left arm and began viciously tapping the bracelet that was on his wrist. He flickered once more, but when the flickering stopped he wasn't Leo anymore, well not human Leo at least.

  "Leo?" I asked, confused and a bit scared. He was an alien. What if he probes me or something?

   His eyes where still purple but a bit rounder. He didn't seem to have a nose or hair anymore and his lips where as purple as his eyes. His ears where slightly pointed and his skin a light pinkish color. He was not wearing the same clothes anymore, either. It kind of looked like some high tech armor from the future with its shinny silver tone and the symbol on the right side of the chest plate.

   "Listen, I can explain." He began, but I cut him off.

   "That you're an alien?" I asked my back hitting the wall from backing up so much. All the weird stuff that's happened was beginning to make sense.

   "It is true I am not from here." He stated, "but it's not like I want to be here either."

"So you crash landed here?" Just like in the movies.

"I wish." He scoffed, "I was sent here as punishment."

"What did you do?" I pushed off of the wall, completely forgetting I was suppose to be scared.

"I blasted a crater into Mars." He sighed.

"That was you?" I guess Marissa was partly right.

"Man I have got to pee. I'll be right back." We heard some kid speak and we both froze. Leo was still in his alien form. The last thing he needed was for another person to find out his secret.

"Hide in a stall." I whispered to him, hurriedly pushing him toward the closest one.

"YOU CAN'T COME IN HERE!" I yelled right as the kid walked into view. My yell surprised him and he jumped slightly.

"Why not?" He squinted at me.

"Because..." I thought fast, "One of the toilets are broken and overflowing. It's real gross." The kid looked around me and into the bathroom.

"They all loo-" as if on cue one of the toilets basically exploded and water began to rush around the boy and I's shoes. I gave him an nervous grin.

   "Oh." He stood there for a moment watching the water pool around us and I stood there awkwardly, hoping he would leave soon.

   "Well... I'm gonna leave... now." Man was that awkward. Once he finally did leave I told Leo it was safe to come out.

When he came back he was in his human form. "Thanks." He smiled and my face heated up a little.

"No problem. What did you do to the toilet?" I looked at the stall door that had almost been blown off its hinges.

"Well..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head. "I have a history of making things explode."

"That wasn't on purpose?" I laughed and Leo blushed. It was really cute- woah, the alien is off limits I scolded myself mentally.

   It had only been a day after the bathroom incident and I hadn't told anyone about it- not even my best friend. Leo kept pestering me about not telling. He barely ever left my side, which made Marissa very happy. A little too happy.

   Every time she even saw us near each other she would get this look in her eye. It was kind of scary.

     Today I decided if he was going to stick to me like glue at school he might as well meet my parents (My mom was dying to meet 'the boy with purple eyes and pressured me into it).

"So this is Leo?" My mom clasped her hands together. "He is a very handsome young man and look at his eyes."

"Mom." I groaned. I wished she wouldn't embarrassed me so much.

"Thank you Mrs. Walton." Leo smiled politely.

"Finally a friend who isn't insane and tries to greet me with potatoes all the time." My father laughed.

"Hey, Marissa is totally-mostly-kinda-sorta sane." I tried to defend my friend.

   "Well, you two go on to Mark's room and I'll make dinner." My mom smiled and I showed Leo to my room.

   "Nice room." He said as he sat beside me on my bed and looked around at my band posters.

    "Thanks." I smiled, looking at my posters also. It was different seeing Leo outside of school or sneaking around government controlled areas.  

   "You're parents are nice." Leo commented.

    "They won't be when they find out I skipped fifth period." I groaned, laying down on my bed. There were a couple minutes of silence where we just acknowledged each other's presences silently.

"Listen, I need your help." Leo glanced down at me suddenly.

"With what?" I looked at him suspiciously, hoping it wasn't some weird alien thing. What if he could control my mind? Oh no, I'm not falling for that. I've seen enough movies to know better than t-

"Will you help me get my ship back?"

   Chapter 5 is out, just as promised. Your welcome XD so far I'm keeping my promise. Maybe it will last. Anyways byee!

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