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It was lunch time and I was leaning against my locker staring at the power couple of the school. Normani Kordei and Dinah Jane were physically two of the most flawlessly beautiful human beings I've ever seen in my life. Normani was on the dance team and her body was absolute perfection, she was so toned and musclier that it hand my mouth watering. And then there was Dinah who was breathtakingly stunning. She was captain of the volleyball team and had killer thighs and I'm hundred percent sure that her body was sculpted by the gods, she was absolutely amazing just like her girlfriend. I have honestly been in love with them since freshman year of high school. At first it was just a crush but it turned into something more as time went on. I've never told them how I felt because honestly I'm too scared of rejection to actually let my feelings for them be known, so I just keep them to myself it's easier that way.

"Lauren why don't you just go talk to them" my best friend Ally asked.

I shot her an 'are you crazy' look "Ally I can't just go up to the hottest couple in school and be like 'hey I like you. Let's get together'" I argued "they'd reject me so quick" I stated. Ally just rolls her eyes "Laur you won't know that if you don't try" she argues back.

I just shrug "I don't know Ally," I sighed "it's just every time I'm around them I just get super nervous and I can't form a coherent sentence" I explained to her. Ally gave me a sympathetic nod "Lo it's going to be ok. I promise" she says. I nodded as I broke my gaze from the two beauties and headed to lunch. I really need to tell them how I feel.

"Mani look at how gorgeous she looks today! Why can't she just be ours already" I whined as I looked at the emerald eyed beauty.

Normani grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek softly "well since you're the social one out of the two of us, I think you should go talk to her. Invite her to your party this weekend" I told her. I perked up before pecking her lips and heading over to the green eyed beauty.

"Hey Lauren" I greeted nicely.

Her bright eyes looked up at me in shock "h-hi Dinah" she stutters cutely. My heart melted at how cute she was "aw you're adorable" I cooed. Her cheeks turned bright red "oh wow t-thank you Dinah." I smiled as I sat down next her "so me and Normani were wondering if you'd like to come to my party this Saturday" I asked.

Lauren perks up "oh my gosh yes! I'd love to" she says happily "uh can my friend Ally come she really likes your friend Camila and well you know" she wiggles her eyebrows cutely, causing me to laugh loudly "of course she can. Just make sure you bring your cute self" I winked. She blushed again "y-yeah of course."

I smiled before I hugged her and kissed her cheek "I'll see you later cutie" I said before getting up and walking back over to Normani.

"So did she agree?"

I bit my lip and nodded eagerly "she said yes" I squealed happily. Normani smiles brightly before kissing me softly "oh also tell Camila to look cute because her boo is coming to my party" I told. Normani smirks "well Saturday is going to be interesting" she says. I nod in agreement before eating my lunch.

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now