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One Week Later
I was woken up by soft kisses on each side of my neck and couldn't help but giggle "babes stop that tickles" I muttered sleepily. They giggled and kissed my cheeks. "So LoLo what would you like to do today" Dinah asked, resting her head on my chest. I gently ran my fingers through her blonde locks "can we go to the mall today" I asked softly. "Of course" Normani answers "let's go get ready and we can head out." Both Dinah and myself nodded before climbing out of bed and getting ready for today.

After getting ready and making out with Norminah we were finally ready to leave. "DJ you're driving" Normani tells her. Dinah raised an eyebrow at her "why" she asks. "Because I want to sit in the back with Lauren" Normani asked like it was the most obvious thing. Dinah rolled her eyes but didn't refuse as she took the keys from Normani who gave her a cute smile before opening the door and letting me in first before getting in right behind me. Dinah barley started the car and Normani's lips were already pressed against mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss. My eyes slammed shut and my fingers were tangled in her hair as I kissed back.

Stepping out of the car Dinah held my left hand while Normani wrapped her arm around my waist as we walked in to the mall. "Manibear let's go to that shoe store that you love so much" Dinah suggested. "Only if it's ok with Lauren" Normani said as she eyes me. I shrugged "I'm fine with whatever. I just wanted to spend time with you guys" I told them. They awed cutely as they dragged me to their favorite shoe store.

As I was looking at a pair of cute boots I was pushed to the floor. I turned around and was slapped in the face by a curly blonde haired girl. "You're a fucking slut you know that right" she spat at me. I jumped up "I have no idea what you're talking about" I said defensively. "Bullshit" she growls "you're over here fucking around with someone who's taking! If that's not a slut then I don't know what is" she barks. I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows but before I could defend myself again she attacks me.

"Oh my god, Jilly get off of her" Normani says as she pulls Jilly away from me.

Jilly glares at her "let me go Mani" she said coldly. Normani shakes her head "no because I know if I do you'll attack her" she says. Jilly sighs "Mani I'm fine. Let me go." Normani looks hesitate but let her go. Bad move, because the minute she was free she attacked Dinah.

"You bitch how could you" she screams.

Dinah covers her face with her arms "I have no idea what you're talking about" she cried out.

"Bullshit! I know that you're cheating on Mani with that black haired slut" Jilly spits out.

"Jilly knock it off. Dinah's not cheating on me" Normani said as she yanked Jilly off of Dinah. Jilly huffs "Mani I fucking saw her making out with this bitch right here" she hissed as she pointed at me. Normani rolled her eyes "yes I know they make out and I'm ok with that" she said calmly.

"What the fuck do you mean you're ok with" Jilly asked in disbelief "Dinah's cheating on you and your ok with that!?"

Normani sighed "she's not cheating on me because we're both dating Lauren" she blurts out. Jilly's jaw drops "so wait are the three of you like...together" she whispered quietly. We all nodded. "And you all agreed to this?" Again we nodded. Jilly sighs "Mani can I talk to you for a second" she asked. Normani nods before walls off with Jilly.

I sighed as I turned to Dinah "are you ok babe" I asked softly. She gave me a small smile "yeah I'm fine babe." I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek letting my lips linger before resting my head on her shoulder. Dinah chuckles and wraps her arm around me as she held me close to her.

Five minutes passed before Normani walked back over to her. "Baby what's wrong" Dinah and I asked when we saw the tears in her eyes. Her bottom lip trembles "it's Jilly sh-she told me that what we're doing is wrong and that I need to choose between the two of you and I don't want to because I love you guys so much" she cried. In the matter of seconds Dinah and I had her wrapped up in our arms and we were whispering sweet nothings in her ears as we held her in our arms.

We pulled away from her "you know that we love you right Manibear" Dinah asked as she wipes her tear away. Normani nods. "And you know that we'll never leave you right" I asked as I wiped away her other tear.  She nods again. "Good. We love you Mani and nothing Jilly or anyone else says is ever going to make us leave you, we love you baby" Dinah said for the both of us. Normani smiles and hugged us tightly "thank you so much guys" she mumbles softly "now let's go shopping!" Dinah and I laughed at her enthusiasm as she dragged us to another store.


After our little shopping spree Normani and I headed back to the house while Dinah went to work. So it was just the two of us until Dinah comes home.

I giggled when Normani pushed me into the side of the couch and kissed my neck gently. I moaned quietly and wrapped my arms around her neck as I enjoyed the feeling of her lips on my neck. "You're so beautiful Lauren" Normani whispers softly. My cheeks heated up "oh uh th-thank you" I mumbled shyly. She grinned at me before gently pressing her lips against mine. I quickly kiss back, enjoying the feeling of her lips on mine. I'll never get tired of this.

"Hey-oh my god" a voice yells.

Normani and I jumped away from each other and faced a woman that liked a lot like Normani. I think this is her mom and to be honest this isn't how I wanted to meet her. "Mani I know I haven't seen you in a few weeks but what I am sure of is that girl on the next to you is not my daughter in law. Want to explain what's going on" she asked as she glares at me.

Normani sighs as she locked our fingers together "Momma this is Lauren, she's our new girlfriend" she answered nervously. Her mother looks at her with an eyebrow raised "our? Like you and Dinah are both dating her" she asked. Normani nods "yes ma'am" she answered. Her mother looks over at me and gave me a kind smile "hello I'm Andrea. It's really nice to meet you" she said. I smiled shyly at her "hello Miss Andrea I'm Lauren" I spoke nervously. Andrea chuckles "she's so cute Mani. You guys should definitely come over for dinner next Saturday" she suggests. Normani looks at me and I nodded in agreement making her smile "we'd love to join you."

A/N: I need an idea for one of Lauren's ex. It can't be Camila because she's with Ally and it can't be Lucy because I have a different idea for her. So if you have an suggestions please let me know.

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now