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Today is Saturday and I'm dragging Ally with me to the mall so that I can buy a new outfit for Dinah's party later tonight "Lauren why are we here" Ally whines. I smirked at her "because we need to look good for our crushes" I squeal happily. Ally scuffs in amusement "Lauren you could wear a trash bag and you would still have Norminah drooling" she says. A blush made its way on my face "do you really think they like me?" Ally nods "yes LoLo! I've seen how those two look at you, they like you babe" she says.

The smile on my face grew wider "this is great! I do have a chance" I yelled as I jumped up and down causing a scene in the mall. I stopped quickly and ran into the first store "Lauren" Ally's timid voice calls out. I turned and looked at my small friend "what's wrong pumpkin" I asked softly. Ally sighs as she nervously played with her fingers "d-do you think Camila will like me" her voice was barely above a whisper. I gave her a kind closed lip smile as I nod my head "yes Ally I do think Camila will like you" I paused "what's there not to like? I mean come on you're stunning and funny and have one of the biggest hearts ever! Ally you're special and anyone would be lucky to date you" I told her honestly. Ally giggles "thank you Lauren!" She hugs me "now let's go look good for our crushes" she says as she pulled me into the store.

After spending three hours looking for an outfit we finally found something that we both liked. I decided on a black long sleeve crop top with short denim shorts paired with high heel boots and a black leather jacket. Ally decided on a cute red strapless sundress paired with white high heels. I think our crushes will be blown away.

"Ally we are going to look so cute" I said as I paid for our things.

Ally nods "yes, yes we are" she agrees.

After thanking the cashier and grabbing our bag Ally and I left the store. I cannot wait for tonight I'm so excited.


It's around seven o'clock at night and Ally and I are getting ready to go to Dinah's party. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, I'm freaking out but I'm not going to let that be known. I'm going to act like I'm not fazed by anything. Tonight is the I'm going to I'm press my crushes, they're going to see me and who knows maybe tonight something might happen, who knows.

"Lauren I have bad news" Ally says. I looked at her with an eyebrow raised signaling for her to continue "Chloe is going to the party tonight." My face fell when I heard that Chloe was going. This girl has been trying to win my girls over since I admitted that I was into them, she's been wanting to get with them for the pure fact that I would hurt me, she didn't care about them. In all honesty she didn't care about anyone but herself and if taking something from someone to hurt them she would do it in a heartbeat, she didn't give a fuck and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by and let her steal my crushes away from me. Not tonight bitch!

I threw on my leather jacket and grabbed my phone "Alz you ready?" She nods happily as she jumped down from my bed and locked arms with me "let's go get our party on" Ally cheers happily. I laughed loudly before saying goodbye to my mom and leaving the house.

The car ride to Dinah's wasn't long maybe about ten minutes but I couldn't help but freak out. Tonight is big for me because I want to make it known that I like both Normani and Dinah and I really hope they like me back. I parked my car near the curb and turned off the ignition before existing the car "are you ready Laur" Ally asked. I let out a shaky breath as I wiped my hand on my shorts "yeah I'm ready" I said.

Walking into the house I was immediately hit with the small of weed and alcohol. I shook it off as I led Ally and towards the kitchen. We're we bumped into Camila who accidentally spilt her drink all over Ally.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Here let me uh help you get cleaned up" she rambles as she grabbed Ally's hand and walked her towards the bathroom. I winked at her before walking farther into the kitchen, where I was met by Normani. She looks up and smiles at me "Lauren I'm so glad you came" she said as she pulls me into a tight embrace. I'm pretty sure my heart stopped when she hugged me. I'm so happy right now!

"So are you excited to be here" Normani asked.

I blush "yeah I am. I'm just kinda nervous" I admitted. Normani smiles as she takes me hand, causing the butterflies in my tummy to go crazy "aw don't worry babe you'll be fine" she tells me. I nod "good now let's get a drink!" She pulls me over to the cooler and hands me a wine cooler "drink up! Tonight is all about having fun!" I took a huge gulp of my drink. Let the party begin!


It's around 11:30 and we're all sitting on the floor in a circle playing truth or dare. I'm pretty tipsy but it's all good.

"Ok Lauren, truth or dare" Chloe asked in her irritatingly high pitched voice.

I thought for a moment before answering "dare!" Chloe smirks at me "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Normani and Dinah" she says. My eyes grew wide and before I could react I was lifted off the floor and dragged towards a closet with two other figures.

The door was slammed in my face. I sighed as I backed away and backed into someone. I quickly turned around and was met but a smirking Dinah Jane "hey Lauren" she says as she moved closer to me "h-hi Dinah" I stutter "are you ready pretty eyes?" I was blushing furiously but nodded nonetheless.

In the matter of seconds I was pushed up against the door and soft lips immediately attached to mine. I was shocked but kissed back instantly. I'm not going to lie kissing Dinah was great, my heart swelled in my chest and butterflies swarmed in my stomach, it was everything I imagined.

"Ok D don't get greedy now" Normani said as she pulled Dinah away from me. Dinah blushed "sorry she's just a really good kisser" she says. Normani smirks "I bet" was all she says before connecting her lips with mine.

Normani was a lot more gentle than Dinah but her lips were just as soft as her girlfriend's. This kiss also made my heart swell and the butterflies just never stopped going crazy. This was definitely a dream come true for me.

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now