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I stood up from the table and quickly followed Macy out of the house. "Ok what the fuck is your problem" I spat angrily.

The blonde turns to me and chuckled "oh sweetie I don't have a problem" she said. I crossed my arms over my chest "really? Because the way that you were trying to come for my relationship shows that you do have a problem" I voiced.

Macy glares "well if you didn't cheat I wouldn't have to meddle" she argues. My glare hardens as I looked at her "it's not cheating if we're all dating. I'm pretty sure Mani just said" I spoke sarcastically. Macy scrunched her nose up in disgust "I honestly don't get what either of them see in you," she scuffs "I'm mean you're not even that pretty, you look like a man. You're fat, your thighs are too big. You're a bootleg copy of Beyoncé, except with the body of a man. And don't even get me started on that blonde mess you call hair! I mean really you need a-"

"Can you shut the fuck up" Lauren's raspy voice snapped.

Macy was taken aback by her tone "excuse me? Do you know who you are talking to" she asked. Lauren looks her up and down "looks like I'm talking to a rude as bitch with no manners" she spoke lowly as she stepped towards Macy, causing the blonde to take a step back "you're over her trying to point out Dinah's flaws when I can spot yours from a mile away. You think you are so perfect but you're the furthest thing from it. You're a bitch that gets off on making people feel bad, you love that. You love pointing out people's flaws because you don't want to focus on your own. You hate yourself so much that you take that angry out on everyone else so that you don't have to focus on yourself. Grow up" she spat harshly.

"And you're trying to come for Dinah for looking like Beyoncé when you, yourself look like a cheap version of Blake Lively" Normani added.

Macy was fuming and with a loud scream she ran off to my father's car. I shook my head before turning to my girlfriends "let's go home."

Arriving home I was pushing on the bed by Lauren and Nicole. Lauren smirks at me as she straddles my waist "tonight is all about you baby" Lauren says. "So sit back and relax while we take care of you" Normani adds. I gulped as I looked up at them. Tonight is definitely going to be fun.


The next morning I woke up to soft kissed and bites to each side of my neck and I couldn't help but moan. "Mmh that feels nice" I rasped out tiredly. Normani chuckles and pulls away from me "as much as I would love to continue this we all have to get up and get ready" she said as she climbed out of bed. Lauren and I whined but did as she said and went to go get ready.

"Babies, c'mon. I really have to go now" Normani groaned as we kissed on her.

Lauren and I giggled as we pulled away. Normani kissed us goodbye before getting into her car and driving off to work. I grabbed Lauren and I's things before we got into my car and drove off.

Arriving to school Lauren and I made out for a while before splitting up and heading our separate ways to our classes. "Looks like things are going well" Kahlani said as she walked next to me. I giggled softly "you have no idea. Lauren is honestly so amazing. I'm really glad that Mani and I agreed to this" I said "so how are things with Halsey?"

Kahlani blushed a little "uh things are good. She's a really sweet girl" she says. I looked at her "are things with Halsey serious" I asked, taking my seat next to her. Kahlani sighs "not yet" she answered. "Why not? What's holding you back" I asked.

Kahlani played with her fingers "I'm scared D. I've never been in a serious relationship before. Plus everyone I've been with Ive dumped after two weeks of dating and I'm not sure how to be in a relationship without breaking someone's heart" she tells me honestly.

I looked over at her "Kah you need to talk to her about all of this," I told her "from what Lauren has told me about her, she's pretty understanding. Just talk to her." Kahlani nods "I really hope that you're right."


I was putting my books away when two pairs of arms wrapped me. I smiled as I turned around "her babes" I greeted Norminah. They both kissed me softly "Mani wants to know if you'd like to go have lunch at that new diner that just opened up" Dinah asked. I nodded my head "yeah I'd love to." Normani and Dinah smiled as they grabbed both of my hands and walked out of the school.

As we were walking towards Normani's car I heard someone rev their engine and without thinking twice I pushed them out of the way. I inhaled a sharp intake of breath when a car came in contact with my body at full speed. Everything went numb when my body hit the ground hard.

"Oh my god, Lauren! Dinah call 911" Normani screams in panic.

They both rushed to my side and Normani held me in her arms. "Baby girl stay with us. You're going to be ok, I promise. Everything is going to be ok" she cried. My eyes fluttered closed and the last thing I heard what Normani and Dinah's cries.

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now