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Since Normani is basically almost done with school I have been going by myself, which is fine because I get to spend time with a certain green eyed girl and that makes me so happy.

"Hey Diana!"

I internally screamed when I heard the familiar high pitched voice. With the meanest glare I could muster I turned towards the blonde "it's Dinah" I growled at her. Chloe cackles annoyingly "Dinah, Diana what's the difference it's just a stupid name" she says carelessly. I crossed my arms over my chest as I raised an eyebrow at her "so my name's stupid?" She groans "you know that's not what I meant" she says. I scuffed at her "whatever" I mumbled as I walked away from the annoying girl.

"Ugh Diana don't be like that" Chloe said as she ran after me.

I stopped dead in my tracks but before I could say anything a raspy voice cuts in. "You know her name is Dinah" Lauren says. Chloe glares at the green eyed beauty "no one was talking to you freak" she spat. "Don't call her a freak you bitch" I snapped at her. Chloe's face turns red with anger "why are you even sticking up for her!? She's nothing but a stupid ugly fat slu-"

A loud gasp left her mouth when my hand connected to her cheek in a hard slap. "You can say whatever you want about me, call me by the wrong name but you will not disrespect Lauren. Not now. Not ever. Do you understand me" I asked coldly. Chloe frowns but nods her head. "No get out of my sight" I spat. Her eyes teared up as she walks away from me. I relaxed when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and turned to face Lauren "hey are you ok" I asked her softly. She nods "yeah I'm fine. Thanks for sticking up for me" she says as she hugs me.

I kissed the top of her head as I held her close to me "you're welcome sweetie" I said. Lauren wraps her arm around my waist and I wrapped mine around her shoulders as we headed over to my locker. "So where's Normani" she asked curiously. "Taking her final exams" I answered. The most adorable confused look forms on Lauren's face "is she planning on graduating early?" I nodded "yeah she said that working full time and going to school has become too much so she talked to the principal about it and since her grades are amazing he told her that she could take her final exams early" I explained to her.

Lauren nods but soon pouts adorably "so I'm not going to see her at school anymore" she asked sadly. I kissed her cheek softly "no but you can see her everyday after school when we hang out" I told her. Lauren smiles shyly "is this an invitation to hangout everyday" she asked, a hint of hopefulness in her voice. I giggled and wrapped my arms around her waist as I held her close to me "why yes, yes it is" I answered. Lauren squeals as she stands on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I smiled as I hugged her back. I swear this girl never fails to make my heart skip several beats. I really am falling for her. I definitely need to talk to Normani about taking things with Lauren further because at this point I can't wait anymore. I need her to be ours already. I really do.


During lunch I was in the gym with my volleyball teammates talking about our next game when Chloe walks in. "Diana we need to talk" she said angrily. I scuffed at her "we're not doing shit until you learn how to say my fucking name" I spat at her. Chloe's glare hardens "either you talk to me right now or something happens to the slut you're fucking around with."

I clenched my jaw as I yanked her out of the gym and into the hallway. "What" I asked angrily. Chloe smirks "drop the sluts and go on a date with me" she says. My body was shaking in anger when she called my girls sluts "watch your fucking mouth" I growled. Chloe's smirk deepens "why are you so mad Diana? Can't handle the truth" she asked. Grabbing her shoulders I slammed her into the lockers "say one more thing about my girls and I promise you that you won't live to see tomorrow" I growled angrily.

Chloe had a fearful looking in her eyes but tried to play it off with a glare "Diana why can't you see how perfect we'd be together" she whines. I sighed "because I don't like you like that, I'm sorry." She frowns "why them? Why are you choosing them over me" she asked sadly. "Because I love them. I'm in love with them" I told her. Chloe's bottom lip wobbles as a tear ran down her cheek and she gave me one sad look before running away from me. I frowned because I really didn't like hurting people's feelings but I can't help who I fall in love with.

I jumped when I felt arms around my waist and quickly turned around only to be met by my smirking girlfriend. "What are you doing here Mani" I asked. Normani smiled at me "I wanted to take you and Lauren out to lunch since it's my break" she tells me. I grinned at her and agreed to the lunch date. Normani smiles and locked her fingers with mine as we walked towards the cute Latina.

"Hey LoLo, Mani and I were wondering if you'd like to join us for lunch" I asked.

Her beautiful green eyes lit up with joy as she looks at us "I'd love to" she said happily. Normani and I smiled as we held one of Lauren's hands and left the school and headed towards Mani's car.

During the car ride Lauren and I sat in the backseat making out while Normani drove to McDonald's. "I swear I was so jealous of you guys on the ride here" Normani mumbles as she got out. Lauren and I giggled at her adorable pout "well back to school I'll drive and you can spend time with Lauren in the backseat" I suggested with an eyebrow wiggle. Lauren's cheeks turned light pink as she giggles cutely "I mean only if Mani is ok with that." Normani smirks as she grabs Lauren's waist and pulls her into her "of course I'm ok with it" Normani says. Lauren's face turned red at Normani's words and she did this cute stuttering thing that basically made Normani and I melt. We really need to make Lauren ours because I'm sick of waiting. Today Lauren Jauregui will be our girlfriend.

A/N: Sorry it's short but this will pick up in the next chapter.

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