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I was sitting in the waiting room holding Dinah in my arms as she cried her eyes out. "Mani why did this have to happen to her? Why Mani" Dinah cries. I held her tighter as I kissed her forehead softly "I don't know baby, I don't know" I muttered.

"Where is she? Is she ok" Ally asked as she ran towards us.

I shrugged sadly "we don't know. The doctor has come out yet" I told her. Ally had tears running down her face "do they know who did this?" I shook my head "nope but we told them what car it was. So they have a lead" I told her. She nods as she took a seat next to me "God I hope she's ok."

I ran my fingers through Dinah's hair as she rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead as I held her close to me, I could feel her tears soaking my shirt but I didn't care. Dinah needs my comfort right now and I was going to give that to her.

"Mani do you think Lauren will be ok" Dinah asked softly.

I kissed the top of her head "I hope so DJ, I hope so."


I was woken up by a small tap on my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open and locked on the nurse in front of me. "Uh ma'am your friend is up and she's been asking for a 'Norminah'" she said. I nodded as I woke up Dinah "baby she's awake" I whispered softly. Dinah sat up quickly and we headed off to Lauren's room.

"Hey LoLo. How are you feeling" Dinah and I asked softly.

Lauren chuckles dryly "uh I've been better" she rasped. Dinah and I nodded as we climbed into bed with her "well now you have this cool cast to show off" Dinah joked, making Lauren and myself roll our eyes at her. "You're ridiculous Dinah" we both said. Dinah scuffs and crossed her arms over her chest as she pouted.

"Aw DJ don't be like that" Lauren coos as she pinched her cheek.

I giggled as Dinah huffs and roll her eyes, mumbling under her breath before cuddling up with Lauren. I smirked "see Lo she can never stay mad at us for too long." Lauren smirks back "well Mani that's because she loves us too much to stay mad at us" she says. I laughed loudly as I agreed with her. I sighed softly as I also snuggled into Lauren's side. Lauren kissed our foreheads softly before dozing off to sleep.


I was sitting in Dinah's lap fuming when the police told us who hit Lauren. "Uh do you guys know this person" one of the officers asked. Dinah's nods "yeah she uh my step sister" she mumbles. Before the officer could continue I stood up from Dinah's lap and left the room, with Dinah right behind me.

"Macy open the fucking door" I yelled as I pounded my fist on the wooden door.

The door opens and reviled a smirking Macy James "hey guys what brings you here" she asked sweetly. "You're a fucking bitch" I yelled as I punched her in the face "did you honestly think we would find out that it was you who hit Lauren" I growled as I continued to hit her.

"I wasn't trying to hit her! I was trying to hit Dinah Jane" she screams as we were separated from each other.

I was struggling to get out of Dinah's tight grip "and you think that's better!? Are you fucking crazy" I screamed. Macy smirks at me as she wipes the blood from her nose "it might not have worked out how I wanted but one of you sluts is in the hospital" she said smugly. Dinah was struggling to drag me away as I fought to get to Macy "I swear when I see you I'm gonna fuck you up, you dumb as bitch" I screamed as Dinah pulled me away.


It's been one week since I've been in the hospital and I'm finally back home with Dinah and Normani.

"Baby do you need anything" Normani asked.

I shook my head "uh no not right now" I replied. Normani nods as she snuggles into me as we watched some lame romantic comedy movie that lifetime was playing.

Halfway through the movie I could smell something burning. "Dinah Jane what did I tell you about cooking" Normani scolded as she put out the fire Dinah started. Dinah hung her head "babe I'm sorry I was just trying to cook you guys lunch" she said with a small pout.

Normani and I awed at her "oh baby that so cute" I cooed. Normani nods in agreement "yes that's very sweet" she adds. Dinah blushed as she kissed Normani softly before running over to me a giving me a soft kiss also. God it good to be home.

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now