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I was covering my face with my arms as my mom threw anything she could get her hands on at me. I whimpered in pain when a book hit my ribs.

"Clare stop! Stop" my dad screams as he tried to stop her.

But it didn't work, she just kept throwing things at me. "Lauren run! I'll hold her off" my dad yelled desperately. I quickly grabbed some of my things before running out of the house and into my car. I whipped the tears from my eyes before driving to the one place I knew that I could go to right now.

Knocking on the front door I waited for someone to answer. "Lauser are you ok baby" Dinah asked when she saw me. I could barely get the words out because I was crying so hard. Without saying anything Dinah pulls me into the house and into her arms as she let me cry on her shoulder.

"Hey what's-baby girl what's wrong" Normani asked as she moved my hair out of my face.

After I calmed down I was able to tell them what happened and why I was crying. "Oh baby, are you ok" Normani asked. I looked at her and nodded "yeah I'm but I'm tired" I told her. Norminah smiles at me and kissed my forehead before Dinah picks me up and took me to the bedroom where we all climbed into bed and I snuggled between them as I drifted off to sleep.


I was in the back taking care of the new puppies that the shelter got. One of the puppies that I was taking care of wouldn't leave my side, it was like he was afraid of abandonment and that made me sad. I looked at the clock and it was ten minutes until my lunch break. So without thinking twice I picked up the small dog and headed towards my boss.

"Uh Mr Hernandez I was wondering if I could maybe-"

"You want the puppy don't you" he said cutting me off.

I nodded "yes please." Mr Hernandez smiles "he's all yours. Make sure you take good care of him" he said. I smiled and nodded my head "of course."

With the new puppy in my arms I headed towards the house and knocked twice. "Di-aw a puppy! What's his name" Lauren asked me. I grinned at her "whatever you want babe" I answered. Her bright green eyes lit up with happiness as she took the puppy from me.

"Leo. His name is Leo" she answered.

I kissed her softly as I walked in "that's a cute name baby" I complimented. Lauren's cheeks tinted pink "thanks baby" she squeals. I chuckled at her adorableness "where's Mani" I asked. Lauren pouts "she left for work and I miss her already" she whines. I chuckled "well I'm on my lunch break for thirty minutes so we can hang out." Lauren jumps up and down with excitement and kissed me softly. I melted as I kissed her back.

"I have somethings for Leo in the car. Wanna help me get them?" I asked.

Lauren nods as she put Leo down and followed me outside. Before we could even get the things Lauren had me pushed up against my car kissing me roughly. I gripped on to her hips as I quickly kissed back. I moaned softly as Lauren ran her hands up my side, making a chill run up my spine.

"Dinah Jane!"

I pulled away from Lauren when I heard the voice of my mother. "Mommy what are you doing here" I asked nervously. My mom looks at me with an eyebrow raised "I wanted to visit you and Mani but I come here and find you cheating? Dinah what's wrong with you" she yells.

I sighed as I held Lauren close to me "mom I'm not cheating," I began "this is Lauren. Mani and I's girlfriend" I told her. My mom breathed a sigh of relief "oh thank god" she mutters as she turned towards Lauren "you know I would love to get to know you better. Do you think you guys could come to dinner" she asked.

Lauren smiles at her "oh my gosh we'd love to" she agreed. My mom smiles "great we'll see you Sunday" she said. Lauren smiles and nods "Saturday it is."

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now