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A/N: There are going to be about ten more chapters before it ends. But I will be writing a squeal.

One Month Later
It's been one month since I've been dating Dinah and Normani, and honestly things have been great. They've been very loving towards me and so, so gentle with me since our first time together. They never pressured me to do anything I didn't want to and honestly that just makes me love them even more. Even though things with them have been absolutely amazing, things with my mom haven't. Ever since our fight the night of the party she completely stopped talking to me. I tried talking to her and sharing my side with her but she wasn't having it and just shut me out. It really hurts that she's cutting me out of her life. I just wished that she would listen to me.

"Baby are you ok" Dinah asked softly.

I sighed as I leaned back into Dinah "it's just my mom hasn't been talking to me and it's starting to get to me" I told her. Dinah kissed the side of my head "give her time, Lo. Maybe she needs more time to understand how all of this works" she tells me. I nodded slowly as I snuggled into her. I really hope Dinah's right.

As we were snuggling on the couch the front door slams open making us jump in our seats. "Guess who got their diploma earlier? This girl" Normani cheered as she walks inside. Both Dinah and I jumped up from the couch and showered our girlfriend in kisses.

"That's so great baby!"

"We're so proud of you babe!"

Normani giggles and hid her face as we blushed "aw thanks you guys" she says and pecked our lips gently. Dinah gasps excitedly "oh my gosh we have to go out and celebrate" she squeals happily. Normani and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement with her. "Let's go to the club!"


Arriving at the club we gave the bouncer our fake I.Ds and headed inside. "In celebration of Mani getting her diploma we need drinks to celebrate" Dinah said with a devilish smirk on her face. We agreed of course because what's a celebration without drinks.

I sat on Normani's lap as we got our drinks. "You know we're just going to be back here in a few months when you graduate DJ" Normani said. Dinah giggles adorably "baby as true as that is tonight isn't about me, it's about you" she said. Normani awes and kissed her softly.

I sighed softly as I looked at them with so much love and adoration in my eyes. I can honestly say that I have never been more in love with two people than I am with these two.

"Even though it's not until next year we have to come back here when our little LoLo graduates" Dinah said.

"Oh we do" Normani agreed.

I looked at both of them "are you sure that you'll still want to be dating a high school student when you guys go off to college" I asked timidly. They looked at me "Lauren, we love you and just because we're going to college doesn't mean that's going to change" Normani tells me. "Yeah you're stuck with us kid" Dinah said as ruffles my hair. I laughed softly as I fixed my hair "and I wouldn't have it any other way."


Walking into school on Monday I spotted Halsey standing by my locker. "What's she doing here Lo" Dinah whispered. I shrugged "I'm not sure" I said. Dinah locks her fingers with mine "are you ok to talk to her" she asked gently. I nodded "yeah I'll be fine" I answered.

"Hey Michelle" Halsey greets.

I smiled at her "hey Ashley. How are you" I asked. She gives me a shy smile "I'm fine but I need your help" she spoke quietly. "With what" I asked curiously. She bit her lip "I have a date tonight" she said happily. My eyes grew wide "oh my gosh with who" I asked.

"Kahlani" she answered.

Dinah chocks behind me "did you say Kahlani" she asked. Halsey nods "yeah i-is that ok" she asked nervously. I glanced at Dinah who sighs "look I don't know you and what I have heard I don't like but when it comes to Kahlani you need to be careful" she tells her.

Halsey looks at her "what do you mean?" Dinah sighed "Kahlani's my friend but she does have a tendency to mess around with the vulnerable girls and I'm not saying this as an insult to you but you're very innocent and you just need to be careful with her" she said. Halsey looks at her and nod understandingly "I will."

I was leaning over the counter flipping through a magazine when a picture of Lauren and Dinah kissing was slammed down in front of me.

"Looks like you're perfect like girlfriend is cheating on you."

I cringed at her annoyingly high pitched voice as I rolled my eyes "oh Tiffany if you thought I didn't know about this, you're wrong" I told her. The ginger haired girl scuffs "you're still with someone who's cheating on you? God you're pathetic" she spat.

I chuckled at her as I glanced down at the magazine "it's not cheating if you're in on it" I said. "What's that supposed to mean" Tiffany asked rudely. I rolled my eyes as I looked up at her "it means; that I'm dating both of them" I answered like it was the most obvious thing.

Tiffany scrunched up her nose "ew you're letting some slut kiss on your girlfriend. Wow are you that desperate for love" she cackled loudly. I closed the magazine and walked towards her "say what you want about me, call me any names that you want but you will never ever call Lauren out of her name. Do you understand me" I questioned lowly. Tiffany gulps and nods. "Good now get out of my face" I spat. She hung her head as she scurried off to the back. I shook my head before heading back to the counter.

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now