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I woke up the next morning cuddled in between two bodies. One person had there hand on my waist, the other was resting on my hip but they were both holding me close to them. I attempted to move but I was pulled down by them and held close by them "no stay" Dinah and Normani whined. My heart flutters and I decided to stay.

As we laid there Dinah played with my fingers as Normani played with my hair, it was nice "Lauren you're so pretty" Normani coos as she looks at me "isn't she pretty DJ?" Dinah chuckles "she's very pretty Mani" she comments "Lauren would you like to go on a date with us later today" Normani asked.

My heart stopped beating when she asked me that. I wanted to jump up and down with joy but decided against it "uh yeah I'd love to." They both smiled at me and kissed my cheeks "great! You go home and get ready and we'll pick you up around 1-1:30" Dinah says. I nod and exchanged numbers with them and gave them my address before grabbing my things and heading home.

Walking inside my house I was immediately greeted by Ally "so how was your night with Norminah" Ally asked me. I blushed "uh I don't remember much but I'm guessing it is was nice considering that I woke up snuggled between them and...they asked me on a date" I said with happy squeal. Ally lets out a happy gasp as she hugs me "that's so great Lo!" I smile "it is. So what happened with Camila" I questioned with a smirk. Ally cheeks turned red "uh well she may have asked me to hangout after school on Friday" she mutters shyly "aw Alz I'm so happy for you" I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"Babe what should I wear? What do you think would look good to impress Lauren" I asked as I looked through my clothes.

Normani comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist "well if we're being honest you could wear a trash bag and Lauren would still look at you like you're the most amazing person ever, which you are" she tells me. My cheeks flushed and I couldn't help but giggle. Normani and I have been dating for three years now but she can still manage to make me all flushed, it's amazing really.

I turned around in her arms, wrapping mine around her neck as I gently kissed her "but seriously I think you should wear that tan crop top with those jeans that make your ass look great" she says, grabbing my ass in her hands. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully at her as I pushed her off of me "you're ridiculous" I stated. Normani please her hands on my hips as she kissed my cheek "but you love me" she sing songs. I giggled at her "yes I do" I replied as I pecked her lips softly before going back to looking at my clothes.

After Normani and I got ready I decided to text Lauren and let her know that we're on our way to get her.

Me: hey we're on our way, so be ready❤️

Green Eyed Princess💚: ok I'll be waiting outside on my porch💜

Me: ok see you then.

I smiled as I put my phone "she said that she'll be waiting outside" I told Normani. She nods as she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together as we walked out of the front door.

After changing my outfit five times I finally got dressed in a black sleeveless crop top and my white shorts with my combat boots and quickly made my way downstairs. I said goodbye to my dad before heading out the door. I stood on the wall nervously as I played with my nails as I waited for Normani and Dinah to arrive. I don't know why I was so nervous but I am, maybe it's because I've been waiting for this for so long or maybe it because I'm scared that I'm going to embarrass myself in front of the two girls I've basically been in love with for three years. I don't know what it is exactly but I'm nervous. I just don't want them to think that I'm weird and then have them not be interested in me, that would crush me so badly. I just really hope that they like me.

Five minutes later a black charger pulled into my driveway and out stepped Normani. My jaw dropped when I saw her wearing a black tight fitting tank top and tight fitting jeans, she looks so good "hey Lauren are you ready" she asked. I nodded nervously as I walked towards her car. I opened the door to the back seat but Normani stopped me "nope you're sitting up front with me" she says. I scrunched up my eyebrows "but what about Dinah" I asked.

"I'll be sitting in the back."

I jumped at her voice but nodded nonetheless "so where are we going" I asked.

A cute giggle escaped Dinah's mouth "well Mani though that it would be a great idea to take you to the dinner we had our first date at" she tells me.

My heart fluttered at that because I honestly found it so flattering that they both agreed to take me to the place where they had their first date, that's so cute.

During the drive we talked and laughed about pretty much everything. It was really nice getting to know them a little bit better. I mean I've basically been in love with these two since freshman year and getting to know them and go out on a date with them is a dream come true for me, I'm in heaven right now.

Normani pulled into the parking lot of a cute little dinner. They both exist the car and Dinah opened the door for me "thank you" I mumbled shyly as I took her. Dinah kissed my cheek as we walked into the dinner with Normani right next to us "how many" the hostess asked "three" Normani replied. The hostess nods her head as she grabbed three menus and led up to a table in the back. Dinah pulled out my seat and I blushed as I mutter a shy thank you and sat down. Dinah sat on my left while Normani sat on my right, both girls held my hand as we looked over the menu.

"Are you guys ready to order?"

I internally groaned when I heard Chloe's irritatingly high pitched voice "uh Lo, DJ are you guys ready" Normani asked. Dinah nods "yeah I'll have the deluxe cheeseburger with fries" she says "what do you want Laur?" I looked over the menu "uh I'll have the chicken salad, dressing on the side" I told her. Chloe snickers "yeah you could use a salad. I mean you are really fat" she bites. I frowned at her words and blink back the tears that formed in my eyes, I refuse to cry in front of her.

Normani scuffs "I'll have the same and we'll like a new waitress" she demands. Chloe huffs "fine I'll have your order right out" she mumbles angrily as she stomped away. After she left both Normani and Dinah wrapped their arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Lauren don't listen to her, you're beautiful" Dinah coos softly.

"Yeah babe you have an amazing body don't listen to her" Normani tells me.

I couldn't help but smile at their words "thank you guys that was so sweet." They both kissed my cheek as the continued to hold me. I'm loving this right now.


"Lauren c'mon!"

"Yeah you have to do it."

I sighed as I looked at Dinah and Normani. I bit my lip nervously as I looked down at my plate. I was just dared by them to eat ten scoops of ice cream with like fifteen topping on it. And mind you this is after I just finished eating.

"Fine I'll do it" I said.

They both cheered as Normani pulled out her phone and set the timer. I grabbed a spoon and began digging in to the ice cream. Here goes nothing.

"Oh god I'm so full" I groaned as I dropped the spoon on the plate and rubbed my tummy feeling extra bloated and full.

"Aw but you finished. You did better than Dinah did her first time" Normani says, giggling slightly.

Dinah glares at her "hey at least I did it unlike someone I know" she jabs. Normani just rolls her eyes at her "anyways, let's get going because we want to take you somewhere else" she says as she grabbed her things from the table as we all stood up. Dinah paid for our food and the both held my hands as we left the restaurant. I wonder were we're going.

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now