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I was kneeling on the bed making out with Normani. I moaned into her mouth as Dinah kissed my neck softly. I threw my head back as the both kissed each side of my neck, making me feel so good right now. I was lowered down on the bed as the continued kissing my neck.

"Fuck that feels good" I moaned softly.

My back arched of the bed as their hands roamed my body while leaving soft kisses on my neck and jawline. "You're so beautiful Lauren" they whispered softly. My face heated up at their words and I covered my now red face with my hands. "Aw babe don't hide your face from us" Normani coos. "Yeah it's cute when you blush" Dinah adds.

I peaked through my fingers as a small grin tugged at the corner of my lips as I slowly removed my hands from my face. They smiled at me and one at a time kissed me softly. I moaned quietly when they kissed down my jawline to my neck. A sharp gasp left my lips as they gently bit down my neck softly. My body was buzzing with pleasure as they continued to bit, suck and kiss on my neck. I have honestly never felt something this good before.


Today was Saturday and Normani was at work so it was just Dinah and I, alone together. Which was fine because I liked spending time with her. "Lo, why don't you ever talk about your parents" Dinah asked softly.

I sighed "well my dad is always working or on business trips but when he's home he's always with me and he's amazing" I told her "my mom...well my mom wants nothing to do with me since I'm gay. She completely disowned me when I came out two years ago and I haven't talked to her since" I said.

Dinah ran her fingers through my hair "I'm really sorry you had to go through that. I know from personal experience that it sucks" she said shakily. I looked up at her "what happened if you don't mind me asking?"

Dinah gave me a small smile "of course not," she sighs "well as you know Mani and I started dating freshmen year, what you don't know is that the beginning of our relationship was a complete struggle and it was because of my dad." The small smile she once held fell "my dad flip when he found out that I was dating a girl. He hated it. For months he did everything he could to break us up and he did, we broke up and I'll forever regret that because I let my dad control who I dated and I told myself I'd never do that," her voice became shaky "so one day I decided to talk to Mani because I was too scared to go to my mom because I thought she was just like my dad. Talking with Mani made me realize that I didn't want our relationship to end, I loved her and wanted to be with her to I asked her out again and to my surprise she said yes," she smiled at the memory "so later that day when I got home my things were out on the porch and a note was taped to the door, my dad kicked me out. He said that someone told him about me and Mani being back together and he said that he could live with a dyke like me and all the shame I would bring him because I was gay, so he kicked me out." I wiped the tears that fell from her eyes "being kicked out broke me in a way I never imagined and it freaked me out so much that I was terrified to go to my mom, but with Mani's help I eventually went to talk to her. The talk with my mom went better than I would have ever imagined, she accepted me for who I was and that made me so happy. My mom got full custody of me and moved me in with her and I lived with her up until a last year when I moved out. As for my dad we haven't spoken since he kicked me out. He got remarried to some girl with two kids and acted like I didn't even exist" she told me.

I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her as I snuggled into her "I'm so sorry that you had to go through that DJ" I said softly "I really am baby." Dinah kissed the top of my head "it's fine. I have so many people in my life that love me for me and that's all I need" she tells me. I smiled up at her and kissed her softly "as long as you're happy I'm happy."


The minute Normani came home her lips were connected to mine. Which did led the three of us to the bedroom where we fell into a huge make one session. Normani kissed me. Dinah kissed Normani and I kissed Dinah. It was just one big make out session and I loved it.

I moaned when Dinah's lips pressed against my neck as she sucked and bit down gently on the skin. Goosebumps covered my skin as they both worked each side of my neck. I honestly have never felt something so amazing as I felt right now. This was absolutely amazing!

Love In Three Ways/Laurminah Where stories live. Discover now