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"This is Prince Elvin of Azmar. He will be the one you marry and rule the kingdom with."

Zelda looked as the figure came out of the shadows and into the naturally lit room.

Okay whoa....

Zelda admired the man as he walked towards everyone. Gray-blue eyes, fair skin, and silky, longish, blonde hair fell and hung loosely from his face. Though his hair didn't seem to be fondled with at all, his hair looked a little messy, but still managed to pull it off in a cleaned up way. His hair was also a little more blonde than Link's messy, dirty-blonde locks. He was tall, thin, and pretty good looking if Zelda could say so herself. Obviously, she still loved Link, but still...

"Pleased to meet you, Princess," he said smiling and bowing at the same time. 

Wow, he has such good manners!

"Pleasure," she returned politely while grinning as well. Link was fuming behind them.

I know she's just trying to be polite, but do I really have to watch this? 

He glanced over at Impa who turned away from him as soon as their eyes met.

Hey what gives?

"Oh darling, there you are!" an anonymous voice chimed in. 

A woman with jet-black hair pulled back into a tight, low, bun glided into the room. She too had fair skin, but hazel eyes and a very structured face. Her navy blue gown suited her well as the hem of it almost touched the floor.

"I see you've introduced yourself to the Princess properly! Queen Viessa, your highness. I am the mother of Elvin and the queen of Azmar."

Viessa curtsied very low to the ground.

"Pleased to meet you as well, your grace!"

"My what a lively girl you are, perfect for my son!"

Elvin chuckled, a little embarrassed. 

"And might I ask who your friend is, Princess?" Viessa asked.

"Oh! This is my uh...uhh-"

"-her very close and long time friend Link," Impa added. 

Link awkwardly waved towards them. Elvin smiled and waved back, but Viessa on the other hand did not seem amused.

"Yes well, um, why don't you both join us for afternoon tea today? Impa, I insist you join us!"

"Cool- I mean yes ma'am!"

"Splendid! We will be waiting for you in the courtyard, so go and get ready if you must," she ordered as she walked away with her son. 

Immediately after they left, Zelda grabbed Link's hand and ran in the opposite direction of them. 

"Z-Zelda hey!"

They ran down one of the many elongated but spacious and open corridors that lead to another hallway. Their footsteps and Zelda's tiny giggles echoed in the halls as they ran. She finally skidded to a stop at her bedroom door, turned the knob, opened the door and ran inside. She was still holding onto Link's wrist when she jumped on her giant mattress, pulling him with her.

They were laying next to each other very closely. She was still giggling from all the running, but Link looked at her worriedly.

Why is she smiling after hearing something like that? Maybe...she-

"Link why do you look so down?" she said trying to sound cheerful. 



He looked at her eyes longingly, then his blue eyes wandered down to her soft, pink, lips. He leaned closer to her until their noses touched. He got even closer so that his lips were now on hers. Zelda's eyes began to close. After a few seconds, Link pulled away and opened his eyes. Zelda still had her eyes closed, wishing that she was till kissing him. She then finally opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"You don't ever have to worry about me not loving you, you know?"

He looked at her with his eyes wide, shocked that she could tell what he was thinking. He smiled softly at her after being reassured.

"We'll figure out later how to fix this, but for now, we should get ready..."

A/N: Oh yeah chapter 1 is up! How do you guys like it? Hopefully you will stick around and continue to read it! I know this part was pretty long and I'm planning on making it a bit of a shorter story and shorter parts.Thanks for all the love and support on my last book, I hope you will like this one just as much! 

I was also thinking of doing some anime one shots/fanfics...good or bad idea? Please let me know! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and suggest things, and I'll see you in the next part! XD

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